Presentation Index 1.Aim and Vision of the Department 2.Strategic overview Housing environment since 1994 white paper Challenges facing Housing Linkages to Government Policy Priorities Housing Policy Programme Legislative Programme Issues 3.Budget overview 4.Current Budget Perfromance 5.Conclusion
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AIM: The aim of the Department of Housing is to determine, finance, promote, coordinate, communicate and monitor policy in respect of housing and human settlement. Vision: A nation housed in sustainable human settlements
STRATEGIC OVERVIEW Housing environment since 1994 white paper –1.2 m Housing opportunities created, more than 5 m poor people housed –Focus on quantity, rather than quality housing –Address housing needs and backlogs –Development of policies and legislative instruments
STRATEGIC OVERVIEW Current challenges facing the housing programme –Effect of changing demographics and resource constraints on housing delivery; –Effect of Grootboom judgement and recent land invasions; –Moving towards medium density housing as a priority and integrated development; –Creating higher quality housing and living environments; –Reducing dependency and promoting a culture of savings; –Interventions regarding the effects of natural disasters on housing;
STRATEGIC OVERVIEW Current policy trends in housing programmes. –Promoting new and innovative building technologies; –Housing Finance Challenges - Contributions required from Government, the financial sector, the NGO sector and ultimate beneficiaries; –Extension of the Housing Warranty Scheme through the NHBRC to beneficiaries of the subsidy scheme; –More emphasis on monitoring of policy impact, expenditure and delivery; –More emphasis of oversight on housing institutions; –Continued and Improved integration with the broader Government priorities;
Government Priorities Housing-related priorities of National Government include: Urban renewal Integrated Sustainable Rural Development The eradication of poverty Transformation and Black Economic Empowerment Engendering a culture of saving
Housing Policy programme First national multi-year housing development plan; Policy on the variation of the subsidy amount; Emergency relief housing policy; Medium density housing: - Social housing initiative - Rental housing Environmentally sound housing policy and accommodating the needs of special groups; Housing savings scheme;
Legislative Issues Disestablishment of South African Housing Trust Limited Bill. This Bill provides for the Trust = s disestablishment and deregistration and further makes provision for the company = s assets and liabilities on disestablishment Community Reinvestment (Housing) Bill. The Bill has been drafted and is on its way to the Cabinet. The Bill is the second piece of legislation in the Department = s community reinvestment programme and follows on the Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act No. 63 of 2000.
Legislative Issues Housing Amendment Bill amends certain provisions of the Housing Act, 1997, the Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act, 1998 and the Rental Housing Act, The amendments are necessary to deal with practical problems arising out of the implementation of the Acts. Social Housing Bill will fill a gap in the housing delivery process by enabling poor people to access rental housing stock at affordable rentals while at the same time providing incentives to developers to become involved in the rental housing programme. The Bill will also boost the Government = s medium density emphasis in housing.
Legislative Issues Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act No. 19 of 1998 requires amendment, inter alia, because the courts and other institutions have experienced difficulty interpreting certain provisions of the Act. Regulations –Regulations under the Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act, 1998 relating to the subsidy only sector; –Regulations under the Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act. 2000; and –Regulations under the yet to be promulgated Community Reinvestment Act.
BUDGET OVERVIEW PROGRAMME 2002/032003/042004/05 R’000R’000R’000 1.Administration Policy Planning Programme Management Housing Performance Communication Housing Fund Total % Growth11%9%5%
BUDGET OVERVIEW Programme 1: Administration Purpose of this Programme is to provide administrative and management support services to the Department The key activities under this include the following –Provision of Strategic Financial Management Services –Provision of Human Resources Management Services –Provision of General Corporate Support Services –Provision of strategic support services for the Minister and Accounting Officer
Programme 1 cont. Changes in the MTEF –A real average decline over the MTEF at 5 % –Decline mainly as a result of reduction in Equipment Capital, Prof. And and transfer payment to PSETA –Increase from 2001/02 to 2002/03 at 3.88 % –Reduction between 2002/03 and 2003/04 reflects reprioritisation and is mainly due to: Reduction in development costs of the Debtors system; Completion of the preparation of the Housing Funds statements, related audit costs and the transformation tenders;
BUDGET OVERVIEW Programme 2: Policy Planning Purpose of this Programme is to ensure a sound national housing policy framework The key activities under this include the following –Analysis of national housing policy and strategy –Housing framework legislation –Human settlement policy and integration Changes in the MTEF –Effect of restructuring, function shift and reprioritization resulted in increase of 49 % between 2001/02 and 2002/03 –2003/04 and 2004/05 increase mainly for framework legislation projects –Fairly stable over the MTEF period
BUDGET OVERVIEW Programme 3: Programme Management Purpose of this Programme is to manage national housing programmes Mainly dominated by transfer payments: 90% The key activities under this include the following –Managing of the housing subsidy scheme –Capacity building –Managing of special housing and human settlement programmes
Programme 3 cont. Changes in the MTEF –Experiencing staffing capacity problems –Major Reduction from 2001/02 on the Job Summit Project from R150m to R75m (2002/03) and no further funding after 2002/03 –Includes the Human Settlement Redevelopment Programme conditional grant to provinces From 1999/2000 :R39m; 2000/01: R100m; 2001/02:R104m; 2003/04: R109m and 2004/05 R116m Fairly stable over the MTEF period, increasing at 4%; 5% and 6%
BUDGET OVERVIEW The Budgeted for the HSRP amount for 2002/2005 MTEF 2002/03 R’ /04 R’ /05 R’000 Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng Kwazulu-Natal Mpumalanga Northern Cape Northern Province North West Western Cape Total Growth %4%5%6%
BUDGET OVERVIEW Programme 4: Housing Performance Purpose of Programme is to monitor and assess the impact of housing delivery, manage housing information, and support housing institutions Mainly dominated by transfer payments: 82% The key activities under this include the following –Monitoring of the implementation of national housing policy –Managing information for housing and human settlement –Secretarial Support services for policy support
Programme 4 cont. Changes in the MTEF –Increase from 2001/02 to 2002/03 by 1.5 % Mainly as a result of increases in personnel of 38 %, admin costs at 29 % and capital redemption and interest costs of 13.12% for the SAHT: –SAHT liabilities allocation to be transferred to National Treasury upon finalization of the disestablishment of the SAHT –Decreases over the same period relate to reductions in allocation to SERVCON at 7.8% and the grant provided for SHF in the 2001/02
BUDGET OVERVIEW Programme 5: Communication Purpose of this Programme is to facilitate and promote the free flow of information between the Department and its stakeholders The key activities under this include the following –Implementation of communication strategies –Public relations services –Provincial, media and local liaison
Programme 5 cont. Changes in the MTEF –Currently experiencing major staffing capacity constraints and it is planned to increase staffing levels to reach 85 % by the end of the first quarter of 2002/03 –Education campaigns and national communication strategy –Decreases by 6.5 % from 2001/02 to 2002/03 and then stabilizes over the next two years of the MTEF period –Various ministerial programmes National Housing Awards etc.
BUDGET OVERVIEW Programme 6: Housing Development Funding –Purpose of this Programme is to manage the funding of national housing programmes –Consist mainly of Transfer payments to provinces in terms of DORA as conditional grants –Allocation of funds to provinces is based on a new formula which introduces urban bias and will be phased in throughout the MTEF. -Need of each province as measured by the housing backlog takes into account factors such as homelessness, shack dwelling, caravans, tents, backrooms, rooms in flats. -A poverty indicator measured by households earning less than R3,500 in each province. -Indicator as measured by each province’s share of total population.
BUDGET OVERVIEW The Budget for the SAHF for 2002/2005 MTEF 2002/032003/042004/05 R’000R’000R’000 Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng Kwazulu-Natal Mpumalanga Northern Cape Northern Province North West Western Cape Total
CURRENT BUDGET PERFORMANCE PROGRAMMEBUDGET R’000 EXPENDITURE R’000 UNDER- SPENDING (SAVING) R’000 % UNDER- SPENDING (SAVING) 1 Administration 58,02937,911(20,118)(35%) 2 Policy Planning 7,2475,651(1,596)(22%) 3 Programme Management 274,922259,261(15,731)(6%) 4 Housing Performance 175,175159,767(15,390)(9%) 5 Communication 14,0334,742(9,291)(66%) 6 Housing Development Funding 3,255,5553,254,023(1,532)0% TOTAL3,785,0133,721,35563,658(2%)
SOUTH AFRICAN HOUSING FUND Preliminary Provincial Expenditure BUDGET 2002/03 R’000 AMOUNT TRANSFER R’000 EXPENDITURE AS AT 31 MARCH 2002 R’000 Under/(Over Spent) R’000 Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng Kwazulu-Natal Mpumalanga Northern Cape Northern Province North West Western Cape Total
TRANSFER PAYMENTS (cont.) Common Reasons for changes: –First Time Home Buyers Interest Subsidy Scheme Increase due to funding requirements for phasing out –Presidential Job Summit: Housing Pilot Project Increase due to roll over of funds from previous financial year –Human Settlement Redevelopment programme Increase due to increased funding requirements Previous year was only start-up costs –SERVCON Less funds needed for operational costs and interest due to phasing out
TRANSFER PAYMENTS (cont.) –SAHT Winding down cost of the SAHT –Social Housing Foundation Reduction is due to funding requirements of the foundation –NHBRC Increase due to new mandate for NHBRC –Interest and redemption of private loans Reduction in interest rate –SA Housing Fund Inflation related increase
CURRENT BUDGET PERFORMANCE The main reasons for under spending can be summarise attributed to: –a saving in personnel cost resulting from vacancies –outstanding tenders on various project due to tender approval progress. –a saving on SERVCON, SAHT and Housing Board loans are due to a reduction in the interest rates. –a reduction in payments made to the First Time Home Buyers Subsidy Scheme
Estimated rollover for the 2001/02 financial year on the operational budget ProgrammeItemAmount 1 Professional and Special Services R1,173,000 2 Professional and Special Services R 1,003,000 3Professional and Special Services R 1,091,000 3Transfer PaymentsR 1,545,000 Total RolloverR 4,812,000
Conclusion There are many challenges facing delivery of housing –Capacity problems hence a steady increase in personnel costs –Effect of other Departments on housing delivery – Further interdepartmental coordination on infrastructure capital grants: DPLG, Land Affairs, Education, etc. –Development of Capacity at local government level Key Success Factors include –Improving Coordination at Provincial and Local government levels –Reducing underexpenditure –Improving access to housing finance and –Enhancement of monitoring processes
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