Northern Italian Renaissance Venice
Titian – The Assumption of the Virgin
Titian – Bacchus and Ariadne
Northern Renaissance Netherlands, Germany and England
Jan van Eyck’s Marriage of Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife
Rogier van der Weyden - Deposition
Robert Campin - Merode Alterpiece
Children’s Games – Bruegel the Elder
Pieter Bruegel the Elder – Peasant’s Wedding
The Fight Between Carnival and Lent – Bruegel the Elder
Durer’s Last Supper
Durer – The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Durer – Self Portrait
Lamentation for Christ -- Durer
Hans Holbein’s Henry VIII and Jane Seymour Portraits, especially of English royalty
Holbein – Anne of Cleves
The French Ambass adors – Holbein (the younger)