Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Norbert Meyer The effective integration of scientific instruments in the Grid
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 2 High Performance Computing and Visualisation with the SGI Grid for Virtual Laboratory Applications co-funded by State Committee for Scientific Research and Silicon Graphics Project No. 6 T C/05836
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 3 Project duration: R&D – December November 2004 Deployment – 1 year Partners: ACK CYFRONET AGH (Kraków) – LEAD PARTNER PŁ (Łódź) PSNC (Poznań) TASK (Gdańsk) WCSS (Wrocław) ATM S.A. (Warsaw) Silicon Graphics Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS (Poznań) Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (Warsaw)
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 4 PIONIER paradigms VLAB
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 5 Building a nation wide HPC/HPV infrastructure: Connecting the existing infrastructure with the new testbed. Dedicated Application Servers Resource Management, User Account Management, Global Accounting Data access optimisation tape subsystems Access to scientific libraries Checkpoint restart kernel level / IA64 architecture Advanced security system Advanced visualisation Distributed & Remote visualization Programming environment supporting the end user How to simplify the process of making parallel applications R&D activities
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 6 Architecture
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 7 „The Grids that evolve along these lines will need to exhibit all the properties, most importantly, interoperability. In this way a collection of Grids, each providing specialized facilities, will interoperate to form a single Grid at the interface level. We believe that addressing these research priorities (with the representative balance between the pure technical and the social/business oriented issues) in the 2005 to 2010 timeframe will enable Europe to take the global lead in Grid technology and its application in the Information Society of the future”. European Grid Research Next Generation Grid(s), European Grid Research Expert Group Report, ftp://ftp.cordis.lu/pub/ist/docs/ngg_eg_final.pdf Next Generation Grids (NGG)
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 8 Virtual Laboratory (VLab)
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 9 virtual, remote,...Grid-enabled VERY limited access Main reason - COSTS Main GOAL - to make commonly accessible Added Value Why Vlabs ??
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 10 Access via Internet Universal architecture Allows to use the same approach for various types of instruments To keep the information Experiments, results Publications Guidelines
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 11 Remote usage of expensive and unique facilities Better utilisation Joint venture and on-line co-operation of scientific teams Shorter deadlines, faster work eScience – closer Equal chances Tele –work, -science The Goal
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 12 Access various facilities Unique, expensive, universal architecture Choose the best suitable site Define measurement scenarios Digital libraries Collaborative work Accounting issues Enhanced security level On-line progress monitoring Platform independent Differences between Virtual Laboratory and pure remote access
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 13 Difference between Virtual Laboratory and pure remote access – CONT. Advanced time reservation Bearing in mind the ‘human factor’
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 14 Example: Allow to flexibly define the measurement scenarios, which include all experiment parts from pre-processing tasks, through the execution of experiment to post-processing Possibility to add new scenario elements Defining conditions between ‘black boxes’ Clearly define the data flow Make simpler the control process Dynamic Measurement scenarios (DMS)
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 15
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 16 In Out Dynamic Measurement scenarios
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 17 Checking conditions and constrains (earlier defined inside the ‘black box’) Conditions between connections (e.g. OR, AND) Input and Output conditions Complexity of DNM - connections
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 18 Complexity of DMS - conversions Made in case the OUTPUT of App1 is incompatible with INPUT of App2 Developed several conversion schemas The behaviour of Measurement parts is defined by DMSL (ang. Dynamic Measurement Scenario Language)
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 19 Dynamic Measurement scenarios
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 20 Scientific instrument = Grid resource Submitting the jobs to device (e.g. to Spectrometer) as well as to other computational systems ‘Wider definition’ of Grid Resource Resources in the Grid
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 21 Defining limits for available resources A reporting system, which takes into consideration the type of laboratory, projects and users Integrated with Grid Accounting Global Accounting
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services more than remote access Testbed infrastructure Virtual Laboratory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy – cooperation with Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS Virtual Laboratory of Radiotelescopy – Radioastronomy Department of Mikołaj Kopernik University
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 23
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 24 Jobs management Digital library Communication tools Educational area User profile Submit new scenario Monitoring Accounting NMR database Radio- astronomy database Publications database Chat Audio Video User information Customizing tools Depends on laboratory profile User Interface - components
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 25 Summary Grid-enabled Universal architecture User-friendly The remote facility becomes a critical resource !!
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 26 Subcomponents
Terena conference, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece Cezary Mazurek, PSNC, Access to Grid and Digital Library Services 27 THANK YOU ! Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center