OWASP Poland meeting Tech Space
Agenda Intro From bug to Metasploit module, Ewerson (Crash) Guimaraes Break (drinks&snacks) Google bug bounty - is it worth it or just a waste of time?, Michał Bentkowski Outro
Intro There are free drinks and snacks Be active, then you will receive one OWASP rocket directly During each presentation you can ask questions live/on chat
Our chapter supporters Meeting supporter: Gold Chapter Supporter: Silver Chapter Supporters:
OWASP EEE Date: Global event including 7 local chapters meetings and live streaming is our event CfP herehere
OWASP PL Meetings Warsaw – Oct 2015 Poznan – Nov 2015 Krakow – EEE + Dec 2015 Comming soon: – Wroclaw – Gdynia
Many thanks Our speakers, for sharing their for hosting us in their great venue and drinks and snacks… Our attendees, for their presence and input
Follow us and be active! OWASP-Poland-Local-Chapter TB9luBvg
Live Break (grab food and drinks)