Nordplus Adult Henrik Neiiendam Andersen, Danish Agency for International Education Vilnius 19 January 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Nordplus Adult Henrik Neiiendam Andersen, Danish Agency for International Education Vilnius 19 January 2012

Why should we internationalise in adult learning, isn´t it only for higher education and the universities? Make use of Nordplus as a driving force for the international work in your organisation: financial support for mobility, networking and projects the international dimension directly into the class room gives students a intercultural experience based on subject work developes new ways of teaching/working, a new ”pedagogic” professional development and inspiration for teachers an integrated part of the schools teacher training effort an integrated part of the quality assurance at school Why Internationalisation?

The Nordplus programmes NORDPLUS HORIZONTAL 0.9 mio euro - collaboration across educational sectors NORDPLUS HIGHER EDUCATION 4 mio euro higher education NORDPLUS JUNIOR 2.4 mio euro primary and secondary education NORDPLUS ADULT 1.1 mio euro Adult learning & liberal education NORDPLUS LANGUAGE 0.6 mio euro Language teaching within all educational sectors Total budget 9 mio euro per year in 5 years

Countries in Nordplus The Nordic Countries Island, Norge, Sverige, Finland og Danmark The Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania The autonomous regions Aaland, Pharoe Islands and Greenland – as independent countries

Profile of Nordplus Adult 1.1 mio euro available for grants each year grants for mobility, network and projects no formal co-financing for mobility min. 25% co-financing for projects two deadlines for applications each year: 1 March and 1. October - only for preparatory visits succesrate of 65% (including reductions)

Objectives for Nordplus Adult to strengthen adults key competences and recognition of adults informal and non-formal learning to support adult education and learning to meet the challenges of modern citizenship, with special focus on adult teacher education and multiculturalism to strengthen the link between adult learning and working life.

Target groups of Nordplus Adult All types of organisations, institutions, schools and associations involved in any aspect of adult learning – that is: In-formal, non-formal and formal adult learning General and vocational adult learning Liberal education (e.g. evening schools) Adult education on higher education level (not prioritised) Adult teacher education and guidance for adults Special needs education for adults Research in adult learning - only organisations, not individuals can apply!

Actions in Nordplus Adult Mobility (exchanges) preparatory visits exchange of teachers and other pedagogicial staff exchange of adult learners - min. 2 schools from min. 2 countries Projects Thematic Network Development project Mapping projects - min 3 schools from min. 3 countries

Finances in Nordplus Adult - mobility, maximum set rates Travel for adult students, teachers etc. to/from Greenland/person1.300 euro to/from Pharoe islands and Iceland/person 660 euro between other countries/person 330 euro Accomodation - day/week/month teachers/person 70 euro/355 euro/1.065 euro learners/person 40 euro/160 euro/480 euro folk high school students/person 20 euro/70 euro/200 euro - the lump sum principle - no formal co-financing

Finances in Nordplus Adult - projects, budgets Budget direct, actual expected costs all costs must be included - costs to be covered by Nordplus Adult as well costs to be covered by the co-financing max. financing by NP Adult is 75% of budget min. co-financing is 25% of budget types of costs: travel & accomodation for project meetings, 5% for adm. other costs: information and dissemination, printing, materials, web site, seminars and conferences etc. time used in the project can part of part the budget, both as co-financing and as part of costs to be covered by the grant - no overhead (indirect costs) - no buying of IT equipment

The steps to take find partner organisation(s) make use of the Nordplus Partner search Database make use of Preparatory Visit action develop a project together with your partner(s) submit a common application through the online application system, ARS submit before the deadline of 1. march 2012 answer to your application appr. 1 June 2012 activities can start from the day you receive the answer to your application - preparatory visits can be applied for 1 March as well as 1 October 2012 for preparation of full applications to the future deadline 1. February contact seminars mifht be arranged – announcement will be disseminated through your national Nordplus Agency, EESF

If you want to know more the Nordplus web site: the Nordplus Handbook 2012 the Nordplus Partner search Database the online application form, ARS