6.3 Songhai Falls to Morocco By Kevin Canote
When Songhai weakened Songhai weakened after the current ruler Askia the Great lost power to his son in 1528.
Who attacked Songhai and why? The Moroccans attacked Songhai= control of the mines and it’s wealth.
What advantage did the enemy have? The Moroccans carried guns and some cannons across the desert.
What happened then? They took Timbuktu and Goa and then stopped.
What completed Songhai’s fall? Cities north and south of Songhai became more important. Then traders along the coast and other places changed who they traded with.
Quiz Question1 1. What person lost his power power to his son? A. Askia the Great B. King Tut C. George Washington D. Attila the Hun
Quiz question 2 What did the Moroccans Want from the mines? A. the wealth from trade B. the gold C. the salt D. all of the above
Quiz question 3 What did the Moroccans carry across the desert? A. guns and cannons B. food C. animals D. the qu’ran
Quiz question 4 What Was the religion of Songhai’s merchants? A. Christianity B. Judaism C. Islam D. Polytheism
Quiz question 5 What two cities did the Moroccans capture? A. Timbuktu and Goa B. Mecca and Medina C. Rome and Athens D. Cairo and Giza