Dobele adult education and business support centre /Dobeles PIUAC/
Information on Dobele Area Territory of Dobele Area 889,79 km2 Human resources Population 24 227 ( as of 31.12.2010.) , including people of working age 16 172 or 67 % Employment (as of 01.08.2011.) Unemployment rate in the area – 11,0 % (in Zemgale 13,2 %) Tendencies Reduction of the number of people Ageing Moving of labour power
Main cooperation partners DOBELES PIUAC Municipality Business Incubator NGO State Unemployment Agency LAEA
Dobeles PIUAC (Dobele Adult Education and Business Support Centre) Development of human resources Development and implementtion of projects Support to business development Main directions Municipality institution Established 15 years ago (in 1996)
Classrooms 4 classrooms 1 room for seminars (for 50 people) 1 room for seminars (up to 35 people) 2 classrooms (up to 12 people) 2 computer classrooms (for 12 learners) Total area of Dobeles PIUAC classrooms - 257,2 m2 All classrooms have the necessary equipment and devices (WIFI, multi video, overhead projector, boards, screens, air conditioners, etc.).
Dobeles PIUAC support to entrepreneurs - CONSULTATIONS On how to start own business Evaluation of business ideas Possibilities for business development Attraction of EU financial resources , different support programmes
Dobeles PIUAC support to entrepreneurs- TRAINING Training fields Cooperation, successful export Management of business process Languages, IT studies, interest education Effective communication Marketing Creative thinking, time management and setting priorities Digital marketing and e-commerce Financial resources - ES funds, municipalities, entrepreneurs.
Matchmaking Meetings of entrepreneurs representing the same sector Dobeles PIUAC support to entrepreneurs – events facilitating entrepreneurship Matchmaking Meetings of entrepreneurs representing the same sector Cooperation of businessmen with municipalities Involvement of entrepreneurs in decision taking process regarding business environment, discussions Common events Seminars where to share experience, common marketing activities Informal cooperation between entrepreneurs Cooperation with entrepreneurs Support centres rural area Mentoring JCI-Latvia
PIUAC experience in project development and implementation Total number of implemented projects - 24 Attracted investments ~ 2 milj. LVL
Ongoing projects Competitive entrepreneurship by long life learning and business cooperation (COOP edu-ship) Latvia-Lithuania cross border cooperation programme for 2007-2013 Local product development in Middle Baltic Latvia-Lithuania cross border cooperation programme for 2007-2013
Cooperation partners Foreign partners: Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūra (NVA) Dobeles novada pārvaldes Dobeles Amatniecības vidusskola Dobeles NVO Latvijas Pieaugušo izglītības apvienība (LPIA) Pieaugušo izglītības centri Zemgalē (Jēkabpils, Aizkraukles, Jelgavas, Jaunsvirlaukas, Auces un Bauskas) Latvijas nacionālā projektu vadības asociācija PITEC LIKTA LPS LIAA Zemgales plānošanas reģions Foreign partners: Uddevallas PIC (Zviedrija) Universitāte WEST (Zviedrija) CRAMARS (Itālija – Tolmeco) korporatīvs profesionālās apmācības centrs un attīstības aģentūra. TLC – Teaching & Learning Challenges SIA (Apvienotā Karaliste – Līdsa) bezpeļņas sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību, kas valsts līmenī sniedz konsultācijas izglītības jautājumos. Dikmen Anatolian Profesionālā vidusskola (Turcija – Ankara) valsts profesionālā vidusskola. (Vācija – Ailuma) neatkarīga bezpeļņas konsultatīva firma, kas pēc individuāla pasūtījuma izstrādā izglītības projektus organizācijām, uzņēmumiem un privātpersonām.
THANK YOU FOR THE ATTENTION! Brigita Tivča Phone: 63781332