‘LINKING MEMBERS’ Towards a new phase in Eurocarers’development Henk Bakkerode Brussels, 16 November 2010
DEVELOPMENTS Europe and the nations need and deserve a Carers’ movement: active, strong, visible, credible, on both levels Can play a crucial role in the coming decade of reconstruction of welfare states EuCa unites 58 members, C.O. and R&D., covering 24 EU- members states, sharing one European future Linking carer engagement to evidence based research With great potential as Community of Researchers and Carers, based on solidarity, common values, interests, aims Awareness is rising a lot, thanks EuCa activities
CHALLENGES Consolidation is the next step in our development Managing growth, diversity and collective responsability To promote frequent interactions and contacts, using the website and mail as ‘core channels of communication’ EuCa should develop more and more as A body of solidarity and mutual support A bank of knowledge, a market place for information Solidarity means: establishing member partnerships Be available to participate in processes of mutual support Well developed members support emerging organisations
SUPPORT & COOPERATION Colleagues here solved your problems already yesterday Form twinning links / partnerships Explore exchanges or placements of professionals Share and exchange your succesfull experiments, experiences; on any theme! And your failures! Members are prepared to develop these support and links Many instruments are available; share these ‘diamonds’: election manifesto’s, handbooks, toolkits, helplines, organisational support and advise, techn. solutions
EUROPEAN PROGRAMS Framework is: Life Long Learning (LLL) Program; 2007 – Programs Leonardo da Vinci (promotes international cooperation and learning in vocational educational, training & studies) = mobility = partnership Grundtvig (for adult education) (Erasmus) (Comenius)
PROGRAMLINE MOBILITY (within Leonardo) Specific criteria: Learning abroad for employees and students “Picking up” knowledge in another EU country 50 á 75% of travel and accommodation costs subsidized The employer writes a Project plan in a Letter of Intent to the national Leonardo agency (in each country present); Assessing proposals and decision making is on national level Deadline of project applications is 4 February 2011 Activities starting from June 2011 (or after Summer) Application forms and conditions available in all EU languages
PROGRAMLINE PARTNERSHIP (1) (within Leonardo) Specific criteria: Minimal 3 countries (better: 4, 6, 10 etc) agree to meet 3 or 4 times in the next 2 or 3 years; f.e. SE, UK, EI, FL; One country each time hosts a partnership meeting for exchange of knowledge, discussions, work on products, working visits, (2 a 3 days, etc.) Not twice in one country Theme must cover learning and work. F.e.: Carers and cooperation in formal and informal care A joint partnership proposal is written, but each partner applies to their own national Leonardo agency Decision making is at national level
PROGRAMLINE PARTNERSHIP (2) Needed: a concrete aim and plan, with a certain product or production as outcome, f.e. a comparison of national strategies and good practises on promoting combination of work and care; how to influence the employer; how to prevent exclusion? Etc. In between two meetings, you work on your product(ion) Financing / grants are lump sum Partnerships can be continued; new project proposals for next Calls can be developed Make credible that the lessons learned, will also be implemented!!
GRUNDTVIG Promotes adult education, training, volunteering, and is not for vocational training but may be used broader Grundtvig has several program lines: exchanges, learning partnerships, workshops, etc. Criteria for exchanges: Must be reciprocal; f.e. an (bilateral, multilateral) exchange program for carers Must be innovative (broad and flexible defined Contact and applying at the own national agency Decision making is at national level Concrete product (outcome) needed, f.e. a study on a relevant carers’ issue
NEED MORE INFORMATION OR SUPPORT?? Ask your national agency for EU-LLL projects (addresses available here) programme/ Any experienced colleague / Eurocarers Executive Board