‘LINKING MEMBERS’ Towards a new phase in Eurocarers’development Henk Bakkerode Brussels, 16 November 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

‘LINKING MEMBERS’ Towards a new phase in Eurocarers’development Henk Bakkerode Brussels, 16 November 2010

DEVELOPMENTS  Europe and the nations need and deserve a Carers’ movement: active, strong, visible, credible, on both levels  Can play a crucial role in the coming decade of reconstruction of welfare states  EuCa unites 58 members, C.O. and R&D., covering 24 EU- members states, sharing one European future  Linking carer engagement to evidence based research  With great potential as Community of Researchers and Carers, based on solidarity, common values, interests, aims  Awareness is rising a lot, thanks EuCa activities

CHALLENGES  Consolidation is the next step in our development  Managing growth, diversity and collective responsability  To promote frequent interactions and contacts, using the website and mail as ‘core channels of communication’  EuCa should develop more and more as  A body of solidarity and mutual support  A bank of knowledge, a market place for information  Solidarity means: establishing member partnerships  Be available to participate in processes of mutual support  Well developed members support emerging organisations

SUPPORT & COOPERATION  Colleagues here solved your problems already yesterday  Form twinning links / partnerships  Explore exchanges or placements of professionals  Share and exchange your succesfull experiments, experiences; on any theme! And your failures!  Members are prepared to develop these support and links  Many instruments are available; share these ‘diamonds’: election manifesto’s, handbooks, toolkits, helplines, organisational support and advise, techn. solutions

EUROPEAN PROGRAMS Framework is: Life Long Learning (LLL) Program; 2007 – Programs  Leonardo da Vinci (promotes international cooperation and learning in vocational educational, training & studies)  = mobility  = partnership  Grundtvig (for adult education)  (Erasmus)  (Comenius)

PROGRAMLINE MOBILITY (within Leonardo) Specific criteria:  Learning abroad for employees and students  “Picking up” knowledge in another EU country  50 á 75% of travel and accommodation costs subsidized  The employer writes a Project plan in a Letter of Intent to the national Leonardo agency (in each country present);  Assessing proposals and decision making is on national level  Deadline of project applications is 4 February 2011  Activities starting from June 2011 (or after Summer)  Application forms and conditions available in all EU languages

PROGRAMLINE PARTNERSHIP (1) (within Leonardo) Specific criteria:  Minimal 3 countries (better: 4, 6, 10 etc) agree to meet 3 or 4 times in the next 2 or 3 years; f.e. SE, UK, EI, FL;  One country each time hosts a partnership meeting for exchange of knowledge, discussions, work on products, working visits, (2 a 3 days, etc.)  Not twice in one country  Theme must cover learning and work. F.e.: Carers and cooperation in formal and informal care  A joint partnership proposal is written, but each partner applies to their own national Leonardo agency  Decision making is at national level

PROGRAMLINE PARTNERSHIP (2)  Needed: a concrete aim and plan, with a certain product or production as outcome, f.e. a comparison of national strategies and good practises on promoting combination of work and care; how to influence the employer; how to prevent exclusion? Etc.  In between two meetings, you work on your product(ion)  Financing / grants are lump sum  Partnerships can be continued; new project proposals for next Calls can be developed  Make credible that the lessons learned, will also be implemented!!

GRUNDTVIG  Promotes adult education, training, volunteering, and is not for vocational training but may be used broader  Grundtvig has several program lines: exchanges, learning partnerships, workshops, etc. Criteria for exchanges:  Must be reciprocal; f.e. an (bilateral, multilateral) exchange program for carers  Must be innovative (broad and flexible defined  Contact and applying at the own national agency  Decision making is at national level  Concrete product (outcome) needed, f.e. a study on a relevant carers’ issue

NEED MORE INFORMATION OR SUPPORT??  Ask your national agency for EU-LLL projects (addresses available here)  programme/  Any experienced colleague  / Eurocarers Executive Board