Kavana Annual Partner Meeting 2009
2 Kavana’s 3 rd Year Objectives Launch new summer programming– summer camp, camping, rabbinic intern Evolve our education & social justice programming– reinvigorate adult education, relaunch social justice, expand family education and make sure it’s consistent People - Getting more clarity around “partnership” & lifecycle support Infrastructure – website, office, and feedback focus
3 Highlights and Challenges in Highlights Quick pace of growth –Expanded programming –Expanded staff (Ilana Mantell) –New Space at QAPC –New Website National Recognition –Newsweek –Avi Chai Fellowship (Rachel) Challenges Money Sustainable Growth Plan
4 Board Update Welcome to new board members: –XXX Welcome to new president – Jeff Sprung –What he’s done this year to make the role sustainable Rachel’s contract – at least another 3 years FY10 Board & structure Jeff Sprung - President Suzi LeVine – Past President Rebecca Cory - Secretary Aaron Averbuch - Treasurer Rachel Nussbaum
5 Programming Highlights Learning Text Study (Living Room Learning) Culture (Book Club, Film Series) Other (Rebbe’s Tisch, Jewish Identity Workshops, God-Talk Potluck, Kippah Crocheting, Haftorah Chanting) Shabbat and Holidays Variety of religious services (Coffee Shop Shabbat, Shabbat Morning Minyan, Shabbat in the Park) Home Hospitality Events (Shabbat, Sukkah dinners, Seders) Community Holiday Celebrations (High Holiday programming, Chanukah Party, Tu B’shevat Seder, Purim baking and megillah reading, Lag BaOmer Bonfire, Tikkun Leil Shavuot)
6 Programming Highlights (continued) Family Just for Parents (Parenting Salon, Parenting and Teshuva Workshop, Interfaith Parenting Workshop) Kids and Parents (Family Shabbat, Prep & Practice, Hebrew Immersion Playgroup, Shabbat in the Park) Kids Only (Moadon Yeladim, Summer Camp, Havdalah Club) Community CSA (Meet the Farmer nights, Farm Visits, potlucks) Community Building events (Home Hospitality events, hiking and camping, cooking and baking) Community Service (Food delivery to JFS clients; collection of paper bags, food, toiletries; Volunteering with homeless families at QAPC)
7 Looking ahead to FY10 (Jeff) ObjectivePrimary strategy Focus on a financially sustainable & intimate Jewish community Start “Pods” Cement Kavana’s Cooperative Identity Make our involvement and leadership in Kavana even more meaningful & fun Further develop Kavana’s pluralist identity Diversify spiritual practice Scale Jewish education innovation Start to look at and address Bar & Bat Mitvah years Grow social justice focusContinue momentum with CSA and other nutrition related projects Continued innovationGather more feedback and continue thinking out of the box
8 Strategy“Reverse Engineering” Break out into groups List something most successful 3-4 most valuable aspects to that thing Share Scribe Come back together for highlights
Thank you!