Training course A “Young leadership training on Globalisarion and TU Strategy in MNEs” 5-10 November 2007, Turin Group 1 (Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine)
Strategic aims Social security for all and minimum social security standards 1. Social security
Actions Campaigns Campaigns Meetings Meetings Trainings Trainings Experts Experts Political lobby Political lobby Fight against black market Fight against black market 1. Social security
Cooperation ILO ILO NCPs NCPs Good examples and best practices Good examples and best practices Regional committee Regional committee European social fund European social fund 1. Social security
Strategic aims The right of collective bargaining to be respected from employers and governments 2. Right to collective bargaining
Tools and instruments ILO Conventions ILO Conventions Media Media European social chart European social chart EU Directives EU Directives 1. Social security
Actions International campaigns International campaigns Improve the public image of TU Improve the public image of TU Trainings Trainings Strengthen the labour inspection Strengthen the labour inspection 2. Right to collective bargaining
Tools and instruments Media Media ILO Instruments ILO Instruments OECD Guidelines OECD Guidelines 2. Right to collective bargaining
Cooperation National legislation National legislation NETlex NETlex ILO ILO EWC EWC ETUC and ITUC database ETUC and ITUC database Employers and governments Employers and governments 2. Right to collective bargaining
Strategic aims The rule of law 3. Civil liberties and universal suffrage
Actions Use the EU social project lines Use the EU social project lines 3. Civil liberties and universal suffrage
Tools and instruments European Structural Fund European Structural Fund ILO Conventions ILO Conventions 3. Civil liberties and universal suffrage
Cooperation Civil society Civil society NGOs NGOs Media Media ILO ILO 3. Civil liberties and universal suffrage
Strategic aims Qualitative education and more places for public education more places for public education 4. Education for all
Actions Adapt the curricula to the labour needs Adapt the curricula to the labour needs Adult education Adult education 4. Education for all
Tools and instruments ILO Recommendation ILO Recommendation National educational strategies National educational strategies European Social Fund European Social Fund 4. Education for all
Cooperation Ministry of education Ministry of education Ministry of labour and social affairs Ministry of labour and social affairs European Commission European Commission National agency for professional education and training (if exist) National agency for professional education and training (if exist) 4. Education for all
Strategic aims Improving the social legislation according the challenges of globalisation 5. Social legislation
Actions National and international specific trade union actions National and international specific trade union actions 5. Social legislation
Tools and instruments Political lobby Political lobby National negotiation National negotiation ILO Conventions ILO Conventions EU Directives EU Directives 5. Social legislation
Cooperation ILO ILO National and regional TU National and regional TU Employers organisations Employers organisations 5. Social legislation
Strategic aims More quality public services More quality public services Strengthen the role of state Strengthen the role of state 6. Public services
Actions Fight against privatisation of public services Fight against privatisation of public services Public campaigns Public campaigns 6. Public services
Tools and instruments Media Media Political lobby Political lobby Pre-privatization agreements Pre-privatization agreements 6. Public services
Cooperation Civil society and NGOs Civil society and NGOs Consumers associations Consumers associations 6. Public services
Minimum wages at MNEs level Minimum wages at MNEs level Taxation Taxation 7. Other areas