English Language Development Day 1 Summer Institute 2012
Jan King Region 8 Professional Development Lead NC Department of Public Instruction Beth Edwards Region 1 Professional Development Lead NC Department of Public Instruction Julian Wilson Region 4 Instructional Technology Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction Glenda Harrell ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction Ivanna Mann Thrower ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction Charlotte “Nadja” Trez ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction ESL Website
Web Tool: Penzu 1.Launch your Penzu account 2.Watch the video at or read the PDF at GETTING+STARTED+WITH+PENZU.pdf to learn about how your Penzu journal works! GETTING+STARTED+WITH+PENZU.pdf
Housekeeping Sign-in Parking Lot Breaks/Lunch Norms
Can We Agree? A ppreciation for one another E xchange ideas freely I nfluence what we can O pportunity to reflect U nite in purpose
Pocket Guide
Web References NC DPI Title III/ESL Website ELD Summer Institute Resources WIDA ESL LinguaFolio Training Modules
Technology Disclaimer The digital tools used during the course of the NCDPI Summer Institute 2012 have been helpful to some educators across the state. However, due to the rapidly changing digital environment, NCDPI does not represent nor endorse that these tools are the exclusive digital tools for the purposes outlined during the Summer Institute.
Tool for Brainstorming User Name ____________ Password ________https://bubbl.us/ Tool for Note-Taking/Journaling User Name ____________ Password ________http://penzu.com/ Tool to Collect Specific Information Tool to Post Notes User Name ___________________ Password _________________________ Tool for Ranking a List of Items User Name __________________________ Password __________https://educate.intel.com Tool for Animation User Name __________________________ Password __________https://educate.intel.com BubbleUs Penzu Google Form Linoit Educate Voki Tools We Will Use:
Learning Strands Data Literacy How to find, evaluate, and use data to inform instruction. Knowledge to gather, analyze, and graphically convey data to support decision-making. Connecting to Serve All Universal Design for Learning English Language Learners Academically and Intellectually Gifted RTI Problem-Solving Model Digital Literacy Embedded tools and resources Connections to Information and Technology Standards
Did you attend the 2011 Summer Institute? 1.Yes 2.No
Did you attend an ELD follow-up session in February or March, 2012? 1.Yes 2.No
What are your responsibilities as part of the implementation team for your LEA/Charter? 1.I facilitate professional development for my LEA/Charter. 2.I advise on implementation of CC/ES for my LEA/Charter. 3.I am unsure about my role.
How do you define the primary role of LIEP teachers in schools? 1.Pull-out ESL teacher 2.Coach 3.Co-Teacher or Teacher of Record? 4.Interpreter 5.PD facilitator 6.All of the above
How do you incorporate the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)? 1.UDL is part of every lesson. 2.UDL has not been discussed in my LEA. 3.I have just started to use UDL. 4.I am not familiar with UDL.
How are ELLs included in Responsiveness to Instruction (RtI)? 1.My district/school does not use RtI. 2.RtI provides interventions to help determine when struggling students need EC services/identification. 3.RtI first establishes that core instruction is appropriate. 4.RtI considers LIEP services as core instruction. 5.All ELLs have interventions. 6.I am not familiar with RtI.
Goals of ELD Summer Institute Practice strategies that integrate a variety of curricular resources for lesson preparation. Explore data literacy to inform practices for ELLs. Consider formative assessment that engages all students, including ELLs. Expand understanding and use of cognitively demanding language functions for instruction. Identify strategies and approaches that meet the needs of all students. Make connections between instructional practices and the teacher evaluation.
Addressing Student Needs in an Era Of New Content Standards
1.How does this content area prepare students to be future ready? 2.How does this area connect to other content areas? 3.What are the implications for meeting the needs of all learners as related to this content area?
Purpose Year 1Year 2
Universal Design
A set of principles for curriculum development that applies to the general education curriculum to promote learning environments that meet the needs of all learners. Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Response to Instruction NC DPI has identified RtI as a research-based school improvement model and provides support to district and school implementation through professional development, technical assistance, and coaching.
Collect & Use & UseData Develop Hypothesis Discuss & Select Solutions Develop & Implement Action Plan Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) (Newton et al, 2009)
Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model (Newton et al, 2009) Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Add this text to shapes in previous slide What is the goal?Is there a problem/challenge? If so, why does the problem exist, & what can we do about it? Hypotheses & Possible Solutions What are the actual elements of our plan? Develop Action Plan. Implement Action Plan Is our plan being implemented, and is it working? Evaluate and Revise Action Plan (Newton et al, 2009)
Penzu Journal Entry Addressing Student Needs in an Era of New Content Standards – What does that mean to you?
Guiding Questions for PLCs What do they need to know? How do we know that they have learned it? What do you do if they have not learned it? What do we do when they already know it? Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
What do they need to know? Tremendous learning required for ELLs The dynamic nature of teaching and learning for ELLs requires synthesis and use of wide range of pedagogy and curriculum resources Practice an ESL instructional strategy that benefits all students – Language Objectives Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
ELD Curriculum Resources ELD Standards Can Do Statements Model Performance Indicators Features of Academic Language –Discourse Complexity –Language Forms and Conventions –Vocabulary Usage Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
CAN DO Descriptors
STRAND MPI Organization of MPI’s in Standards
Elements of a Model Performance Indicator
Defining Features of Academic Language
Creating Language Objectives Language Function Topic Support
39 BREAK Please Return in: 15 minutes Please Return in: 15 minutes
Animoto Video hWfbrAhttp://animoto.com/play/Fe5zRl3t0K40QojM hWfbrA
Practice Write Language Objectives in MPI format using Features of Academic language, ELD Standards, and Can Do Statements. Choose one from each cup.
What do we need to know?
Use the blue highlighter. Mark 3 or more best practices in content knowledge. Mark 3 or more best practices in pedagogy. Sample: Standard III, Element A “In order to enhance the NCSCOS, teachers investigate the content standards developed by professional organizations in their specialty area.” Sample: Standard III, Element A “In order to enhance the NCSCOS, teachers investigate the content standards developed by professional organizations in their specialty area.”
What this means for me… Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Feedback from stakeholders indicates challenges related to monitoring the development of English as well as content mastery for ELLs. Measures of ELD specific to ELLs are limited and/or unfamiliar. Ensure interpretation of summative and formative measures of ELD are used to inform decision- making. How do we know that they have learned it? Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
How is data used in your LEA/School? Success for ALL Achievement Demographic Program Perception ELD Success Achievement Demographic Program Perception
Data Literacy and ELLs Types of Data Achievement Demographic Program Perception Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
ACCESS for ELLs Teacher Report Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Five attributes to Ensure Effective Formative Assessment Learning Progressions Learning Goals and Criteria for Success Descriptive Feedback Self-and Peer-Assessment Collaboration
Formative Assessment Model Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
“Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students during instruction the provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of intended instructional outcomes.” Council of Chief State School Officers’ (CCSSO)
Is It Formative Assessment? Read the vignette provided. Determine if the teacher used formative assessment appropriate for ALL learners in his/her lesson. Discuss your thoughts with your neighbor. Share your thoughts with the group.
ESL LinguaFolio Positive Reports from NC Teachers Can Do Statements based on NC ELP Levels and ELD Standards Free Training Modules Paper and Electronic Versions
ESL LinguaFolio Reading Excerpt from a Self-Assessment Checklist Self-Assessment Checklist For: ___________________________________Developing-Level 3 Reading EXCERPT I can do this easily and well This is one of my goals I can follow written instructions to complete assignments and tests. I can understand information from charts, tables and graphs. I can use context clues to understand the meaning of words. I can find information I need for assignments in simple nonfiction texts or reference materials. I can understand main ideas and some details in paragraphs, if there are pictures, illustrations, or familiar words to help me. I can put pictures and/or sentences in order to show the main idea of a story I can read and understand a book that I choose. Source: Reading Section from an ESL LinguaFolio Self-Assessment Checklist Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
How do we know they have learned it? Use the pink highlighter. Mark 3 or more best assessment practices. Mark 3 or more best practices in the use of data. Sample: Standard I, Element A “Teachers use various types of assessment data…to evaluate student progress and to make adjustments to the teaching and learning process.” Sample: Standard I, Element A “Teachers use various types of assessment data…to evaluate student progress and to make adjustments to the teaching and learning process.”
What this means for me… Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
1.How does this content area prepare students to be future ready? 2.How does this area connect to other content areas? 3.What are the implications for meeting the needs of all learners as related to this content area?
Plus/Delta Feedback What worked well? What could be done differently!
Jan King Region 8 Professional Development Lead NC Department of Public Instruction Beth Edwards Region 1 Professional Development Lead NC Department of Public Instruction Julian Wilson Region 4 Instructional Technology Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction Glenda Harrell ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction Ivanna Mann Thrower ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction Charlotte “Nadja” Trez ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction ESL Website
English Language Development Day 1 Summer Institute 2012
Goals of ELD Summer Institute Practice strategies that integrate a variety of curricular resources for lesson preparation. Explore data literacy to inform practices for ELLs. Consider formative assessment that engages all students, including ELLs. Expand understanding and use of cognitively demanding language functions for instruction. Identify strategies and approaches that meet the needs of all students. Make connections between instructional practices and the teacher evaluation.
Meeting the Needs of All Learners What are the implications for meeting the needs of all learners? RTI Problem- Solving Model AIGELLUDL
In order to close academic English language and content gaps, ELLs must learn at a faster rate. ELLs may not have sufficient opportunities to practice the level of rigor necessary for success. Include more cognitively demanding language functions when planning language objectives for instruction. Also use the ELA Common Core Standards to inform learning expectations. What do you do if they have not learned it? Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Rigorous Language Objectives Language Function ELA Language Standard 5 Support Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Universal Design Individualized Instruction Differentiated Instruction Universal Design
UDL Principles Principal 1: Representation Principal 3: Engagement Principal 2: Action and Expression
Principle I: Multiple Means of Representation The what of learning To give diverse learners options for acquiring information and knowledge Present content in a variety of formats and modalities Represent Act/ Express Engage
Multiple Means of Representation UDL Principle I Represent Act/ Express Engage Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Judy Augatti Principle II: Multiple Means of Action and Expression Represent Act/ Express Engage
Multiple Means of Action and Expression UDL Principle II Represent Act/ Express Engage Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Principle III: Multiple Means of Engagement Represent Act/ Express Engage
Multiple Means of EngagementMultiple Means of Engagement Multiple Means of Engagement UDL Principle III Represe nt Act/ Express Engage Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Penzu Journal Entry What are the implications of these 3 principles for the classroom?
What do we do if they have not learned it? Use the green highlighter. Mark 3 or more places that address differentiation. Circle in pen an area where you excel. Put a square around one of your personal goals. Sample: Standard IV, Element B “[Teachers] understand that instructional plans must be consistently monitored and modified to enhance learning.”
What this means for me… Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
ELLs may not be provided with opportunities for a rigorous and challenging academic program. Cognitive ability must be viewed independent of language proficiency. Address various levels of cognitive functions for each English language proficiency level. What do we do when they have already learned it? Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Cognitive Function
Collaborative Culture Focus on student learning. Establish times and structures for PLCs. Foster shared power for decision-making. Include processes for reflection. Support relationship building. Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
What do we do when they already know it? Use the yellow highlighter. Mark 3 or more places that address the unique needs of gifted learners. Put a square around an area where you wish to improve in your services to gifted students. Sample: Standard IV, Element A “[Teachers] adapt resources to address the strengths and weaknesses of their students.”
What this means for me… Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Serving All is a Process
Celebrate Success!
Goals of ELD Summer Institute Practice strategies that integrate a variety of curricular resources for lesson preparation. Explore data literacy to inform practices for ELLs. Consider formative assessment that engages all students, including ELLs. Expand understanding and use of cognitively demanding language functions for instruction. Identify strategies and approaches that meet the needs of all students. Make connections between instructional practices and the teacher evaluation.
1.How does this content area prepare students to be future ready? 2.How does this area connect to other content areas? 3.What are the implications for meeting the needs of all learners as related to this content area?
Do you feel prepared to train others in your LEA/Charter? 92 1.Yes 2.No 3.Somewhat
Which do you feel most prepared to use to ensure a successful learning environment for all ELL students? 93 1.Use of a variety of resources to individualize instruction 2.Use of Formative Assessment 3.Use of data to inform and adjust my instruction
I feel most prepared to teach others about the following: 1.Academic Language
I have a better understanding about the connections between my teaching practice and the NC Educator Evaluator System. 1.Yes 2.No 3.Somewhat
Plus/Delta Feedback What worked well? What could be done differently!
Carolina TESOL Compassionate And Realistic Expectations for ESOL Students Do you like free things? Join us as mainstream and ESOL teachers collaborate to use proven strategies to increase academic proficiency during this one day conference. Sessions are designed to energize you with new ideas and hands-on strategies that you can put to work for your program and students. Sessions promise to be interactive and are sure to help expand your knowledge on a variety of topics related to content literacy, family involvement and an adult education strand. All teachers like free.....SEND 3 teachers and the 4 th comes for free. Breakfast is free, lunch is free, and there are free afternoon snacks. Lots and lots of free door prizes. UPSTATE, SC Laurens - June 26, 2012 CARE EASTERN, NC Thomasville - July 31,2012 CARE WESTERN, NC Asheville - September 8th CARE WESTERN, NC Charlotte - September 15th
Jan King Region 8 Professional Development Lead NC Department of Public Instruction Beth Edwards Region 1 Professional Development Lead NC Department of Public Instruction Julian Wilson Region 4 Instructional Technology Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction Glenda Harrell ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction Ivanna Mann Thrower ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction Charlotte “Nadja” Trez ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction ESL Website
Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Collect & Use Data Develop Hypothesis Identify Problems (Define & Clarify) Evaluate & Revise Action Plan Develop & Implement Action Plan Discuss & Select Solutions
Recognition Networks The "what" of learning How we gather facts and categorize what we see, hear, and read. Identifying letters, words, or an author's style are recognition tasks. Strategic Networks The "how" of learning Planning and performing tasks. How we organize and express our ideas. Writing an essay or solving a math problem are strategic tasks. Affective Networks The "why" of learning How learners get engaged and stay motivated. How they are challenged, excited, or interested. These are affective dimensions.
What do they need in order to maximize their learning? Who are the gifted learners?
Title Goes Here Some sort of bullets –Some sort of bullets Some sort of bullets –Some sort of bullets »Some sort of bullets
Title Goes Here