While you are waiting for the webinar to start, use the Chat box to introduce yourself and get to know each other! For Access to the Audio Portion call: Code: # Still having technical issues? Please call: If busy, call again (voic returns may be delayed) Welcome to CCRTDI: National Adult Education College and Career Readiness Design Institute
National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium, Inc. (NAEPDC)
* Mute to avoid background noise * Communicate via raised hand or chat box
* Initiative and Institute Background * Critical Elements * Overview of the Institute Agenda * Q&A
* Adult Education State Staff and Professional Developers: * Reecie Stagnolia, NAEPDC Chair, and KY state director * Cheryl Brueggeman (OH) * Jane Miller (CO) * Marsha Taylor (AR) * NCFL * Sharon Darling * Meryl Becker * Donna Elder
* GEDTS * Nicole Chestang * Marty Kehe * National Trainers * Bonnie Goonan * Susan Pittman-Shetler * NAEPDC * Lennox McLendon
McGraw-Hill GED ® Testing Service
* Standards Based Education * Common Core State Standards * Individual State Standards * OVAE’s National College and Career Standards for Adult Education
* Standards Based Education * Common Core State Standards * Individual State Standards * OVAE’s National College and Career Standards for Adult Education * High School Equivalency Tests CCSS based * GED ® Tests * ETS HiSET Tests * McGraw-Hill TASC Tests
* Instructional Quality * Student Success on * High School Equivalency Exams * Post-Secondary without developmental studies
* Short-Term (8 months) * Preparing teachers and program managers with the knowledge, skills and abilities to prepare students for the 2014 HSE tests * Mid-Term (2+ years) * Preparing teachers and program managers to use standards as a base for program services
* Provide you with the resources and the frameworks to: 1. Prepare teachers and program managers for the January 2014 HSE test.
* Provide you with the resources and the frameworks to: 1. Prepare teachers and program managers for the January 2014 HSE test. 2. Prepare teachers and program managers to use standards as a base for instruction
* Sunday: * Sunday: Registration and an Exhibitors Reception with NCFL Conference * Monday: * Overview and Orientation * The Big Picture * Susan Pimmentel, CCSS Consultant * Cheryl Keenan, DAEL Director
* Monday Tuesday * Monday Afternoon and All Day Tuesday * Two strands * Content and Instructional Strategies for the 2014 high school equivalency assessments: Math and ELA * Professional Development Policies and Resources * Wednesday * Wednesday : Team Planning Day * 8 month plan to prepare for the January 2014 HSE Test * 2+ year plan to prepare practitioners to use standards
* Shifts as a result of the Common Core * Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy * Webb’s Depth of Knowledge * OVAE’s Standards in Action (SIA) * Research briefs underlying * Math/Algebraic thinking * ELA/evidenced based writing * NAECCRDI Web site:
* Self Assessments: Where does your state stand on: * Preparations for the January 2014 HSE tests * Preparations for standards- based instruction
* Communities of Practice Web meetings * Web-based resource library * Decision Points resource chart with updated resources
* See you in Louisville