DEVELOPMENT OF PRE-SERVICE AND IN-SERVICE DISTANCE TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAMS IN MOROCCO S. Lahmine 1,3, H. Darhmaoui 1, A. Agnaou 1, F. Messaoudi 2, F. Kaddari 3 1 Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (MOROCCO) 2 National Laboratory of Digital Resources “LNRN-MEN”, Rabat (MOROCCO) 3 Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University “FSDM-LADIPEC”, Fez (MOROCCO)
2 Introduction In the international context known by the development of information society and knowledge, Morocco is well positioned to take advantage of learning technologies. In fact, decided to make from ICT a vector of human development, the government has implemented the Digital Morocco 2013 plan [1], making ICT a priority in the growth of the national economy. Problem: Teachers professional development is key to improving education quality, however, teachers have limited access to quality training. Response: Development of distance training environments (DTEs) for teachers will allow us to experiment with an alternative delivery system that will reach teachers where they work and live.
3 Introduction Objectives of ITQANE [2] e-learning training program 1.Mastering educational and technological skills of e-learning; 2.Producing teaching and training modules that can be exploited in pre-service and in-service training; - Develop an online course under a modular structure; - Develop interactive activities to integrate them into the course; - Identify the ergonomic principles of online courses; - Integrate the course and its activities on an e-learning platform (LMS); - Evaluate the effectiveness of an online course.
4 Resources and Methodology Training facilities: Partners - Ministry of National Education (MNE) - National Center for Innovative Pedagogy and Experimentation (CNIPE) - Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (AUI) - U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Places of training - Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (AUI) - Executive Education Center (EEC) - Center for Learning Technologies (CLT) [3] « Studio/Training room »
5 Resources and Methodology Training facilities: Beneficiaries The target audience consists of 33 recipients represented as follows: - 16 trainers from regional training centers for jobs of education and training (CRMEF) - 10 resource academic persons (AREF) - 7 Professors of the Al Akhawayn University Training devices Face-enriched training tools - Desktops/Laptops - Interactive board Distance training tools - Moodle LCMS socio-constructivist and collaborative E-learning platform
6 Hands on pedagogy based on training, action, and evaluation for all modules of the training. Two groups, sixteen each. In each group, sub-groups of three to four members were created to promote peer coaching through a kind of "cognitive apprenticeship" [4]. Face-to-face training workshops, sub-groups meeting sessions, group experience sharing sessions and remote training and monitoring. Blended learning and accompanying training mode (apprenticeship). Educational project (Project based learning) to strengthen the achievements in class and generated more individual and group learning through the creation of a specific e-learning productions. Resources and Methodology
7 In terms of methodology, the survey implementation at the end of the training was based on a online assessment questionnaire, informed by 31 trainers (with 33 participants in total). Quantitative approach The study consists mainly of a quantitative survey concerning the satisfaction of trainees. Qualitative approach Qualitative aspects were about open questions related to the methods and uses of e- learning Resources and Methodology
8 The Results Personal Information
9 The Results Training Mode
10 The Results Reaching objectives of the training
11 The Results Quality of content
12 The Results Collaborative work
13 The Results Pedagogy and interactions
14 The Results Overall Rating of the ODL experience
15 The Results Evaluation of the training mode (e-learning)
16 Recommendations Taking inspiration from both the survey results and the book 'Mega-universities and Knowledge Media: Technology Strategies for Higher Education, John Daniel, (1996) [5]’, the recommendation to retain for successful e-learning project management is summed up in four conditions that must be taken to ensure: Impeccable quality course content, easily accessible and validated by a quality process involving internal or external experts. A large staff (mentoring & monitoring) whose role is to assist the student in all phases of his career. Flawless logistics to give everyone the right material at the desired time. Strong research base; formation-action-development.
17 Conclusion Certainly, it is not easy to introduce and integrate technological tools in educational institutions, as it is an innovation that requires changes in both organizational (relating to the structure and procedures management) and informational level (related to the form and content of representations). However, given the very positive experience of the ITQANE e-learning training, provided to Al Akhawayn University, it is clear that the challenge of developing remote training devices using existing technologies deserves to be noted. Indeed, training institutions are now called upon to adapt to new demands and changing needs of learners and to bow to the demands of changing training market.
18 References [1] Digital Morocco 2013 Report, ( ), Accessed 16 January 2013, [2] ITQANE Project, ( ), Improving Training for Quality Advancement in National Education, Accessed 2 January 2013, E-learning platform [3] Center for Learning Technologies,(2009), Al Akhwayn University in Ifrane, Accessed 1 February 2013, [4] Marchand, L.,Depover, C. (2002) E-learning et Formation des Adultes en Contexte Professionnel, De Boeck pp. 58. [5] Mega-Universities and Knowledge Media: Technology Strategies for Higher Education, J.S. Daniel (1996)