N. Gubanova 1, V. Kanygin 2, A. Kichigin 3, S. Taskaev 4 1 Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia 2 Novosibirsk State Medical University, Novosibirsk, Russia 3 Railway Clinical Hospital, Novosibirsk, Russia 4 Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia 1
Cells in the culture plates were placed on the surface of the plastic phantom and inside the one at the depth of 3 cm and irradiated for 2 hours Cell lines U87 and MRC-5 were incubated in a medium with and without BPA for 18 hours before irradiation. 2)Colony formation assay (14 days after treatment) 1) WST assay (first 5 days after irradiation) Cell viability was determined by:
Сells placed on the surface of the phantom were irradiated by epithermal neutron beam (energy spectrum from thermal to 100 keV, the average energy 13 keV) Cells placed inside the phantom were irradiated by thermalized neutrons (thermal neutrons). Epithermal neutron beam is produced by VITA based neutron source created in Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Neutron irradiation does not decrease cell viability in 5 days after treating for cells placed both on the surface of phantom and inside. on the surface of phantom
Neutron irradiation does not decrease cell viability in 5 days after treating for cells placed both on the surface of phantom and inside. inside phantom
Neutron irradiation significantly decreases the surviving fractions in 14 days after treatment of both pretreated with BPA and BPA-free cells lines U87 + BPA U87 on surface of phantom inside phantome
Neutron induced formation of micronuclei in both BPA-free and BPA pretreated cell lines placed on the surface of phantom U87U87 + BPA micronuclei
Neutron induced formation of micronuclei only in BPA pretreated cells placed inside phantom U87 U87+BPA
Neutron spectrum was measured by Time-of-Flight technique with original technical solution of short neutron pulse generation.
Gamma radiation at 2 MeV protons bombardment of various materials was measured.
Flow of charged particles that accompanied ion beam was investigated. Modification of stripping target is proposed to decrease charged particles flow and to increase the proton beam.
New concept of VITA based neutron source is proposed. New facility is compact and attractive for placing in clinic.
Conclusion BNCT effect was shown in vitro VITA neutron source may be used for BNCT
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