Ira Kaplan Pittsburgh User Forum October 18, 2012 WebFOCUS 8 Charting
Documentation Chapter 7: Creating and Customizing Charts (113 of 366 pages) Properties and Methods for customizing charts (1382 pages) HTML5 Charts (160 pages)
Documentation: Audience Chapter 7: Creating and Customizing Charts (113 of 366 pages) Properties and Methods for customizing charts (1382 pages) HTML5 Charts (160 pages) User Developer
WebFOCUS Graphics
WebFOCUS 8 Chart Customization Manual to be released
WebFOCUS 8 InfoAssist
Gradients and Transparency
Right click on red bar, context menu opens
Gradient and Transparency: Red and Blue Risers
Select Theme: ENria Dark Ocean Rounded
Select Output Type: HTML5
Results Mouse over: yellow highlight Mouse over: yellow highlight
Where Does the Magic Happen? In the included style sheet: ON GRAPH SET STYLE * INCLUDE= IBFS:/FILE/IBI_HTML_DIR/javaassist/intl/EN/combine_templates/ENria_dark_ocean_rounded_theme.sty,$ TYPE=REPORT, TITLETEXT=&WF_TITLE.QUOTEDSTRING, $ ENDSTYLE C:\ibi\WebFOCUS80\ibi_html\javaassist\intl\EN\combine_templates\ ENria_dark_ocean_rounded_theme.sty *GRAPH_JS "mouseOverIndicator": { "enabled": true, "color": "yellow", "marker":{"size": 0} }, "introAnimation": { "enabled": true, "duration": 1400 }, "riserBevel":"bevel" *END
Active Reports
Output Type: Active Report Next step
Active Reports: Pie and Line Charts
Catalogue is Theme aware
Moonbeam, HTML5, and JSCHART
New Style Section: *GRAPH_JS JSON: JavaScript Object Notation
riserBevel: ‘cylinder’,
Demonstrate in Portal Summit 2012 WebFOCUS 8 Charting Lab IK -- IA Gradient Exercise Step 2 v01(IA: gradient and transparency, HTML5 resize) Car -- Chart with Theme and PNG format v01(Run: flat appearance) Car -- Chart with Theme and HTML5 format v01(Run: raised appearance) summit_2012_simple_html5_hand_fex_example(Run/Edit: highlight, bevel, animation) Summit 2012 booth_3d(Run: rotate) booth_gauge1(Run/Edit: show code – browser zoom) booth_line1(Run/Edit: change marker size, animation speed) ia_pie(Run: resize) summit_2012_small_multiple_usa_map(Run: edit) summit_2012_small_multiple_usa_tagcloud(Run: edit) summit_2012_small_width_bar__edited(Run: edit, GRWIDTH) Which bullet chart, matrix, add heatmap?