Environmental Engineering Science1 Ch2 Water, Air and Their Impurities 2.A Water and the Hydrosphere.


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Presentation transcript:

Environmental Engineering Science1 Ch2 Water, Air and Their Impurities 2.A Water and the Hydrosphere

水及水圈 空氣及大氣圈 環境介質中之污染物 – 酸、鹼、 – 無機物、 – 有機物、 – 臭味、顏色、 – 顆粒物質、 – 微生物 Environmental Engineering Science2

3 Water and hydrosphere Hydrologic cycle –Characteristic residence times Physicochemical properties –Density (1g/cm 3, 55.6 M, Temp., Composition) –Density of ice 0.92 g/cm 3 –Viscosity ( g/m.s in 0-40 o C) –Water and Life O 2 → H 2 O

Environmental Engineering Science4 水密度隨溫度而異,湖泊溫層逆轉。 水比熱較高,穩定氣溫。 微生物細胞含水率 75%(w/w) 以上。

Environmental Engineering Science5

6 Density of freshwater, as a function of temperature

7 Density of seawater (a) as a function of salinity (mass percentage of total salts in water) for various temperatures and (b) as a function of temperature for various salinities.

8 Dynamic viscosity, μ, of freshwater as a function of temperature.

Environmental Engineering Science9 2.B Air and the Atmosphere Five major gases

Environmental Engineering Science10 Physicochemical properties of air Ideal gas –n/V = P/RT (1 atm, 293 K, gas conc.=41.6 mol/m 3 ) –Partial pressure = Mole fraction –Molecular weight (dry, moist) –Density (Temp., Pressure) Atmosphere

空氣分子量計算 空氣分子量隨含水量 ( 濕度 ) 而異。 理想氣體公式之使用。 空氣之比熱明顯較水低。 Environmental Engineering Science11

12 PV=nRT PM= ρ RT Density of dry air versus temperature at several pressures (P)

Environmental Engineering Science13 C i = MW . n i / V ↓ C i = Y i MW . n i / V ( PV = nRT ) ↓ C i = Y i MW . P / RT And ρ air = MW . n / V = MW . P / RT

Environmental Engineering Science14

15 Typical dependence of temperature, pressure, and air density on height through the lower portion of the troposphere. The given altitudes range from sea level to near that of the tallest mountains on earth.

Environmental Engineering Science16 2.C Impurities in Environmental Media –2.C.1 Gases Dissolved in water –2.C.2 Water in Air –2.C.3 Acids,Bases,and the Hydrogen Ion –2.C.4 Inorganic Impurities –2.C.5 Organic Impurities –2.C.6 Radio nuclides –2.C.7 Compounds Causing Odor,Taste,or Color –2.C.8 Particulate Matter –2.C.9 Microorganisms

Environmental Engineering Science17 2.C.1 Gases Dissolved in water –O 2, CO 2, SO 2, HNO 3, NH 3, CH 4 2.C.2 Water in Air 2.C.3 Acids, Bases, and the Hydrogen Ion –pH = -log [H + ] –pH = 1 -14, pH = 0 (?)

Environmental Engineering Science18 2.C.4 Inorganic Impurities –Ions in water Electroneutrality, Ionic strength, Hardness, Alkalinity, A=[OH - ]+[HCO 3 - ]+2[CO 3 2- ]- [H + ] –Inorganic gaseous pollutants CO, NOx, SOx, O 3 –Toxic metals Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg)

Environmental Engineering Science19

水中正負離子呈電價中性狀態,陽離子 當量數等於陰離子當量數。 TDS 代表總溶解固體物,含非離子成分。 離子強度:用以表示溶液中離子間靜電 作用力強度。 硬度:多價陽離子當量數總和。硬度種 類 硬水定義、硬度單位。 硬水軟化技術。 Environmental Engineering Science20

鹼度:中和酸之能力,與鹼性 (pH>7) 不 同,重要參數。 鹼度單位。 無機氣態污染物: CO, NO 2, SO 2, O 3. 毒性重金屬 …… Environmental Engineering Science21

Environmental Engineering Science22 NaCl 之電導度

Environmental Engineering Science23 MgSO 4 之電導度

Environmental Engineering Science24 2.C.5 Organic Impurities –Specific organic impuritiesSpecific organic impurities HCHO, CFCs, Benzene, PCE, Dioxin, PAHs –Aggregate measurement of organic compounds OD, TOD (ThOD), BOD, COD, TOC NMHC

特定有機污染物 非特定有機污染物,總合性有機污染物 之必要性及限制。 氧需要量之意義。 氧需要量與有機碳之轉換。 BOD 之定義、實驗、特性。 COD 之定義、實驗、特性。 BOD < COD (?) NMHC – ppmC, ppbC Environmental Engineering Science25

Environmental Engineering Science26

Environmental Engineering Science27 2.C.6 Radio nuclides 2.C.7 Compounds Causing Odor,Taste,or Color 2.C.8 Particulate Matter –Aerosol and Hydrosol –Small Colloids (10 -3 μm) –Particles in Air: fine and coarse –Particles in Water: settleable, suspended and colloidal solid

Environmental Engineering Science28

Environmental Engineering Science29

Environmental Engineering Science30

Environmental Engineering Science31

Environmental Engineering Science32

Environmental Engineering Science33 2.C.9 Microorganisms

微生物:細菌、真菌、藻類、原生動物 、 病毒。 細菌之角色、分類、應用特性。 – 好氧、厭氧、兼性 – 異營、自營 – 光合、化合 原生動物、後生動物 – 水質指標微生物。 真菌、藻類 – 明日之星。 病毒 – 疾病、研究用途。 Environmental Engineering Science34

Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Bacteria Archaea Viruses Algae Fungi Protozoa

Environmental Engineering Science36

Environmental Engineering Science37 Problem assignments #2 In textbook: 2.3 Volume occupied by air 2.14 Electroneutrality 2.15 River water quality READING: Chapter 2: Section 2.C (pp ) Chapter 3: Sections 3.A and 3.B (pp ) Appendix C (pp