Blooming Innovations: How to Teach and Study Effectively with Questions Gretchen Seif, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT Layne Madden, COM3 Lisa Kerr, PhD
5% Lecture 10% Reading 20% Audiovisual 30% Demonstration 50% Discussion Group 75% Practice by Doing 90% Teaching Others/Use of Learning Estimated Typical Learner Retention SC Dept of Education
Memories in Mayberry Barney Fife cKKc
Bloom’s Taxonomy Design and content copyright © Eidesign Pty Ltd.
For Educators & Students Generate learning activities across various cognitive levels. Match learning objectives and learning activities. Identify gaps between teaching and testing.
Learning objectives should be measurable. “Task-oriented question construction wheel” Verbs Project type Type of learner Adapted from taxonomy-wheel-for-writing.html
For Today Creating and using questions that engage higher orders of thinking to promote deeper processing and, therefore, better understanding of material.