Leçon 10 – Official Notes Offering and accepting/ choosing food FORMAL or beverages. We will learn 2 variations of offering food and drinks. We will learn 2 ways of accepting food and drinks offered by an adult. Here are 2 ways to offer food or drink: QUESTION 1.An adult or friend gives you a CHOICE. English: You want a ….. OR a ……..? French: _______ rhymes with _______ 2.A waiter asks you what you desire (to order). English:You desire ……? French: ANSWERS Here are two ways of choosing food/drink when you talk to an adult. 1.English:I would like a ……………….. please. French: Pronounce: Z e voodray /une ……………….. seel voo play. ***** Notice to an adult you would say s’il vous plaìt.***** 2. English:Give me a …….. please. French:_______________________________________ Pronounce:Duhnay mwah /une …… seel voo play. ***** Notice to an adult you would say s’il vous plaît***** *****and donnez.***** 1. What makes answer #1 formal or appropriate for an adult? _______________________________________________________ 2. What makes answer #2 formal or appropriate for an adult? _______________________________________________________
Leçon 10 – Official Notes Offering and accepting/ choosing food FORMAL or beverages. We will learn 2 variations of offering food and drinks. We will learn 2 ways of accepting food and drinks offered by an adult. Here are 2 ways to offer food or drink: QUESTION 1.An adult or friend gives you a CHOICE. English: You want a ….. OR a ……..? French: Tu veux un (une) …… OU un (une) ……? VEUX rhymes with DEUX 2.A waiter asks you what you desire (to order). English:You desire ……? French: Vous désirez? ANSWERS Here are two ways of choosing food/drink when you talk to an adult. 1.English:I would like a ……………….. please. French:Je voudrais un/une ……………… s’il vous plaît. Pronounce: Z e voodray /une ……………….. seel voo play. ***** Notice to an adult you would say s’il vous plaìt.***** 2. English:Give me a …….. please. French:Donnez-moi un/une …….. s’il vous plaît. Pronounce:Duhnay mwah /une …… seel voo play. ***** Notice to an adult you would say s’il vous plaît***** *****and donnez.***** 1. What makes answer #1 formal or appropriate for an adult? _______________________________________________________ 2. What makes answer #2 formal or appropriate for an adult? _______________________________________________________
La faim et la soif The verb avoir (ahvwaar) is used to talk about hunger and thirst. Avoir means to have. Conjugate avoir in the singular (hint: remember how to express age). I have___'_____(pronounce: žay) You have_____ _____(pronounce: tu ahh) He has_____ _____(pronounce: eel ahh) She has_____ _____(pronounce: el ahh) THIRST In English we would say:I am thirsty. In French we would say:___' _____ soif. (Pronounce swahf) What are we really saying?_______________________ Complete the following in French: I am thirsty ________________ You are thirsty ________________ He is thirsty ________________ She is thirsty ________________ ahhhhhhhhh Formal and Informal Young people address their friends as ______ and adults that they do not know very well as ______. The use of “vous” shows _._._._._._._ and is called the _._._._._.._ The use of “tu” shows _._._._._._._._._._._. and is called the _._._._._._._._ Note that French people have two ways of saying please that reflect the formal and the informal. Say _________________________ with friends. Say _________________________ with adults.
La faim et la soif The verb avoir (ahvwaar) is used to talk about hunger and thirst. Avoir means to have. Conjugate avoir in the singular (hint: remember how to express age). I have___'_____(pronounce: žay) You have_____ _____(pronounce: tu ahh) He has_____ _____(pronounce: eel ahh) She has_____ _____(pronounce: el ahh) THIRST In English we would say:I am thirsty. In French we would say:___' _____ soif. (Pronounce swahf) What are we really saying?_______________________ Complete the following in French: I am thirsty ________________ You are thirsty ________________ He is thirsty ________________ She is thirsty ________________ ahhhhhhhhh Formal and Informal Young people address their friends as ______ and adults that they do not know very well as ______. The use of “vous” shows _._._._._._._ and is called the _._._._._.._ The use of “tu” shows _._._._._._._._._._._. and is called the _._._._._._._._ Note that French people have two ways of saying please that reflect the formal and the informal. Say _________________________ with friends. Say _________________________ with adults. tu vous respectformal familiarity informal S’il te plaît S’il vous plaît J’ai Tu as Il a Elle a J’ai
Coca ___________________ ______________________ ______________________ ___________________ __________________________ ______________________________ ____________________________ Leçon 10 – Les boissons __________________________ ______________________________ ____________________________ un jus de raisin le un chocolat chaud le ____ jus de pamplemousseun citron pressé un café_____ jus d’orange_____ jus de pomme ______ jus de tomate une eau minéraleun coca un thé une limonadeun soda