Fun With English 4A Zhu Li Taoyuan Primary School
We are happy bees
Watch the snow-----I’m very happy ( 赏雪) (我很快乐)
卖火柴的小女孩 No, I’m not happy.
What’s the matter? What’s the matter? 发生了什么事? / 你怎么了? 发生了什么事? / 你怎么了?
catcatcatcat bagbagbagbag matter 事,事情 What’s the matter? 发生了什么事? / 你怎么了? manmanmanman
I’m cold. What’s the matter?
cold (冷的)
Here’s a scarf for you. 这儿有条围巾给你。
What’s the matter?I’m… Here’s …for you. Thank you. a sweater a scarf a jacket
hothothothot (热的)
hothot notnot lotlot
What’s thematter? I’m hot. Here’s …for you. Thank you !
tired 累的
A: What’s the matter? A: Here’s for you. B: Thank you. a chair B: I’m tired. a sofa
Play a game thirsty
hot thirsty cold tired hungry cold hot thirsty hungry ill
ill 生病的
cold 冷的
hot 热的
hungry 饿的
thirsty 口渴的
tired 疲劳的
Let’s chant! Matter, matter, What’s the matter? Thirsty, thirsty, I’m thirsty.
Matter, matter, What’s the matter? ______, _______, I’m ________. Let’s chant!
A: What’s the matter? B: I’m hungry. A: Here’s a cake for you. B: Thank you.
It’s Christmas Eve. 这是圣诞节前夕。 It is snowing. 正下着雪。 In this cold and darkness there went along the street a poor little match girl and with naked feet. 在这样一个又冷又黑的夜晚,可怜的卖火柴的小女孩光着脚 走在空无一人的街上。 No one buys her matches. 没人买她的火柴。 The little match girl
She’s_________. hot happy hungry thirsty tiredcold The little match girl
A: What’s the matter? B: I’m________. A: Here’s _______for you. B: Thank you. Help the little match girl
Look and write He’s/She’s _________. What’s the matter with him/her?
Look and write He’s _________. hungry What’s the matter with him?
Look and write She’s _________. What’s the matter with her? tired
Look and write He’s _________. What’s the matter with him? thirsty
Look and write He’s _______. What’s the matter with him? ill
Here’s ___________for you.
Try our best to help the people in need. 尽力帮助有困难的人 尽力帮助有困难的人 。
Homework 1.Copy the new words twice. 抄写新单词两遍。 2.Read and recite the new words. 读背新单词。 3.Do exercise of Part C. 完成 C 部分的习题。