I'm hungry. I want to eat.
I'm hungry. I want to eat. What do you want to do? I want to eat.
This squirrel is thirsty. He wants to drink.
This squirrel is thirsty. He wants to drink. What does the squirrel want to do? He wants to drink.
This kitten is tired. He wants to sleep.
This kitten is tired. He wants to sleep. What does the kitten want to do? He wants to sleep.
He has a headache. He wants to take an aspirin. He needs to take an aspirin. He's ill /sick. He wants to see a doctor. He needs to see a doctor.
He looks sad. He wants a hug.
Calvin looks sad. He wants a hug. What does Calvin want? He wants a hug.
His meal looks disgusting. He doesn't want to eat.
His meal looks disgusting. He doesn't want to eat. Why doesn't he want to eat? Because his food looks disgusting.
He looks furious. Maybe he doesn't want to take a bath. Perhaps he doesn't want to go to bed. Anyways he doesn't want to obey his parents. Maybe = perhaps = peut-être Anyways = De toute façon
I'm I w What d he w ? He w
This squirrel is He w What d he w ? He w
This k He w What d he w ? He w
He has a h He w He n He's i..... / He w He n
He l s He w
His meal l d He d
He looks furious. M he d P he d Anyways he d