Acquisition curve of Eyeblink CR
Extinction curve
Spontaneous Recovery (New day) (New day) (New day)
Generalization Gradient From Moore, 1972 Eyeblink conditioning in Rabbits CS+ = 1200 Hz Tone UCS = mild Shock Hundreds of trials Generalization test in extinction (no US)
Second-Order or Higher-Order Conditioning From Rizley & Rescorla, 1972 Phase 1: (8 Trials) CS1 (flashing light) → UCS (shock) CR: Fear (CER - conditioned emotional response) Phase 2: CS2 (1800 Hz tone) → CS1 (light)
Latent Inhibition From Hall & Minor, 1984 CER Procedure: Phase 1: Train thirsty rats to drink from tube Phase 2: Separately present Tone during 3 Sessions; Controls had no Tone while in box Phase 3: All rats had Tone Shock pairings Test Phase: Present Tone while rats were drinking from water tube Suppression ratio = _A_ A+B A = # responses during CS B = # responses prior to CS (same amount of time) The lower, the more suppression