continuous low humming sound drone
hate detest and abhor
waste time dawdle
faint swoon
pharmacist apothecary
appetizing food delectables
teach instill
unhealthy vapors miasma
bad smell stench
harmful to health noxious
little devil imp
being shy or modest demure
fool ninny
large group horde
forced isolation quarantine
hate detest and abhor
unmarried woman spinster
difficult problem dilemma
boring tedious
least valuable part dreg
festive occasion gala
loud noise din
unable to speak dumb
fatal epidemic disease pestilence
pulled tight taut
surgical knife lancet
small suitcase valise
disturbance commotion
move abruptly lurch
recover from sickness recuperate
wrinkled by shrinkage withered
thirsty parched
confused or disordered topsy-turvy
holster for sword scabbard
untidy slovenly
hate detest and abhor
continuous low humming sound drone
faint swoon
pharmacist apothecary
waste time dawdle
teach instill
appetizing food delectables
bad smell stench
unhealthy vapors miasma
little devil imp
harmful to health noxious
fool ninny
large group horde
being shy or modest demure
hate detest and abhor
forced isolation quarantine
difficult problem dilemma
unmarried woman spinster
least valuable part dreg
boring tedious
loud noise din
festive occasion gala
fatal epidemic disease pestilence
unable to speak dumb
surgical knife lancet
pulled tight taut
disturbance commotion
small suitcase valise
recover from sickness recuperate
move abruptly lurch
thirsty parched
untidy slovenly
wrinkled by shrinkage withered
holster for sword scabbard
confused or disordered topsy-turvy