Jesus’ Power Over Sickness


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Presentation transcript:

Jesus’ Power Over Sickness (Matthew 8:17) This was to fulfill what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet: "HE HIMSELF TOOK OUR INFIRMITIES AND CARRIED AWAY OUR DISEASES." In these lessons we will see evidence for Jesus’ assertion that He is the Son of God, but we will also make application – learning from not just the Teacher, but from those he heals. So that we can be challenged to grow in our faith as well.

Significance of the Signs The Works of Jesus Show His Relationship To the Father. (John 10:37-38) "If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me; but if I do them, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father."

Significance of the Signs (John 3:1-2) Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews; this man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him."

Significance of the Signs (Matthew 12:22-28) "But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” (28) When someone denies the credibility of Jesus’ miracles they are denying the proof of His relationship to the Father and the coming of His kingdom.

Healing Peter’s Mother In Law Matthew 8:14-17 Sickness: Fever Recovery Time: Instantaneous Proof: “she got up and waited on Him.” Have You Brought Jesus Into Your Home? Jesus at Home? How much of your life and your home have you included Jesus in? You gotta have Him in your home. Jesus needs to be in your Family Routines both in Family Bible Study, but especially in the manner of conduct you have with one another. Jesus will not physically enter your home today, and touch you or your child while they are sick – but he HAS YOU THERE to touch others with a bit of His love. You are there to touch others with a bit of His hope, with a bit of His hospitality. Many Christians are missing out on Jesus not where they worship – but where they live! Ask yourself over the coming week, what can you do to bring the attitude and love of Jesus into your home?

The 10 Lepers Cleansed Luke 17:11-19 Sickness: Leprosy Recovery Time: On the way to the Priest Proof: Seen by Jesus and disciples Have You Shown Gratitude To God? He Turned, Glorified, & Fell Take time to praise God, even if it leaves you in the minority. Only ONE….Only ONE man took the time to praise God…Only ONE MAN who had his entire body HEALED…His entire life changed…even took the time to praise God. He Turned – Shows his priority – nothing was more important than stopping to give Thanks to God. Christian – dont let opportunities to praise God pass you by. Don’t put them off and plan to do it later. Give God thanks when you realize He is SOOO GOOD! He Glorified God with a Loud Voice – Let the intensity of your praise be reflective of your gratitude. He Feel On His Face – Be humble before God. Be humbled by God’s power. Be humbled by the fact that WE COULD DO NOTHING – NOTHING to save ourselves, but by God’s grace He gave us a sacrifice, He gave us a chance to come to His grace through faith in Jesus Christ. When I sin – I exalt my will, my way above Gods, and when I repent I can do nothing but put down my will, set down my way and implore God to forgive me. I must humble myself and admit my dependance on God. This man shows gratitude to God because there is no one like a Leper who understands that they DEPEND on God. Whatever struggles you are going through today – bring them to God. Depend on God’s grace to help you make it safely through the burdens of this world.

Paralytic Healed Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12, Luke 5:17-26 Sickness: Paralysis Recovery Time: Instantaneous Proof: “he got up and immediately picked up the pallet and went out in the sight of everyone…” Mark 2:12 Do you have faith to tell others about Jesus’ authority? How do you react to Jesus’ authority? Do you challenge Him? Do you question His ability? – Or are you amazed. Will you allow yourself to appreciate the absolute authority of the Son of God. “all authority” was given to Him. You can tell others about His authority by what you say – but nothing will tell others what you believe about God’s authority like how you LIVE. Will you be like these men who wanted their friends well-being so much that they literally ripped the roof off! What extent are you willing to go to, to bring your friends and your family to Jesus? You can teach them, You can show them Godliness, You can give them a Bible, You can tell them a verse, You can invite them to worship, and if you still don’t feel like you can help your friends – Carry them to someone who you believe can. Tell others about Jesus authority in word and deed!

Woman with Bleeding Matthew 9:20-22, Mark, 5:24-34, Luke 8:43-48 Sickness: Bleeding Recovery Time: Immediately Proof: “told Him the whole truth.” Can You Admit You Must Have Jesus? What problems are you trying to handle by yourself – I’ll admit this is a challenging principle for me. Where do you go to get help with the problems that are most important to you? Do you bring them to Jesus. Can you admit to yourself that you are not in control, that man is not in control and that GOD alone is all-powerful and all-loving. We will go to amazing lengths to seek the help of doctors and physicians – but when will we bring it all to God. I’ll tell you what you have to do to bring it to God if you want to know…You have to be willing to accept His answer. I don’t think people forget to bring problems to God. I don’t think people have more faith in doctors than they do in God. I think many people want their way – so they go to friends, doctors, counselors trying to talk someone into doing what they want. To talk someone into agreeing with their perception of the problem. But you can’t do that with God. When you come to God you come to the final authority on the matter and we must accept HIS WILL. That’s just one road block to coming to Jesus – The woman who was healed here had tried everything else, and now finally she comes to Jesus. She has suffered a great deal seeking help elsewhere, but now she is able to come to Christ. When she come to Jesus she is not going to be held back. Just imagine her working her way through the crowd just enough to get the hem of his garment. But she truly believed He could help. We must come to the realization that we MUST have Jesus. Whether we come to that realization because we are taught how powerful he is – or if we come to that realization because we see that NOTHING else will work – We all must admit “I must have Jesus.”

Four Miracles, Four Challenges Bring Jesus Into Your Home Express Your Gratitude for God’s Glory Tell Other’s About Jesus’ Authority Admit You Must Have Jesus

Jesus’ Power Over Sickness FOUR Miracles…FOUR Challenges… Bring Jesus Into Your Home Express Your Gratitude for God’s Glory Tell Other’s About Jesus’ Authority Admit You Must Have Jesus