Riverhaven Recovery Oriented Systems of Care Developing a Conceptual Framework
Riverhaven Recovery Oriented System of Care Problem…….. The current system does not work to support long-term recovery --- change is necessary. Outcome………….. Improve the substance use disorder service system to enable individuals to achieve sustained recovery and improved quality of life 2
Riverhaven Recovery Oriented Systems of Care Theory of Change …………. A full continuum of coordinated services is needed to improve the health and wellness of individuals, families, and communities; and to help individuals achieve and sustain recovery. Proposed Vision ( )………… The Riverhaven region is a leader responsive to the needs of individuals, families and communities supporting health, wellness and recovery 3
Recovery Oriented Systems of Care Definition (consensus agreement ) ROSC is a network of formal and informal services developed and mobilized to sustain long-term recovery and wellness for individuals, families, and communities impacted by substance use disorders. ROSC is a comprehensive menu of services and supports that can be combined and readily adjusted to meet the individual’s needs and chosen pathway to recovery. 4
“Living” Definition of Recovery Consensus Agreement SUD recovery is a personal journey of positive change inclusive of natural supports in which an individual and their family achieves improved health, wellness and quality of life within a supportive community. 5
ROSC Guiding Principles There are many pathways to recovery Recovery is self-directed and empowering Recovery involves a personal recognition of the need for change and transformation Recovery is holistic Recovery has cultural dimensions Recovery exists on a continuum of improved health and wellness 6
ROSC Guiding Principles (cont.d) Recovery emerges from hope and gratitude Recovery involves a process of healing and self-redefinition Recovery involves addressing discrimination and transcending shame and stigma Recovery is supported by peers and allies Recovery involves (re) joining and (re) building a life in the community Recovery is a reality 7
Recovery Oriented System of Care Elements Person-centered Family and other ally involvement Individualized and comprehensive services across the lifespan Systems anchored in the community Continuity of care Partnership-consultant relationships Strength-based Responsive to personal belief systems 8
Recovery Oriented System of Care Elements (cont.d) Culturally responsive Commitment to peer recovery support services Inclusion of the voices and experiences of recovering individuals and their families Integrated services System-wide education and training Ongoing monitoring and outreach Outcomes-driven Research-based Adequately and flexibly financed 9
Initial benchmarks/indicators of success (one year from now….) Development, implementation and communication of a strategic plan with vision, goals, priorities, and strategies for implementation with 1-2 new initiatives implemented (either a new program or strategies to enhance/modify existing programs Improved relationships with recovery support groups in all six counties through an increase in peer supports in Riverhaven region 10
Initial benchmarks/indicators of success (one year from now….) An environment where people are receiving better services/treatment (including compassion and understanding and peer support) Training provided to all (26) service providers on ROSC elements and principles 11
Join us…………. Next meeting is Thursday, November 11 th, 2010 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Meeting space is being finalized – follow up information will be sent to all interested Meetings also proposed for mid-January, mid-March, May and July Your input is absolutely necessary for the success of this systems transformation process……….. Please join us! 12