BALTIC IT&T 2005 FORUM: eBaltics Riga 8/4/2005 Programme Linking Europe and Latin America on Information Society Fabio Nascimbeni MENON International Stakeholders Network
BALTIC IT&T 2005 FORUM: eBaltics Riga 8/4/2005 This presentation 3 slides on Programme 3 slides presenting examples of projects 3 slides ISN and on how to be involved
BALTIC IT&T 2005 FORUM: eBaltics Riga background With respect to Latin America, the EU is the first donor, the first foreign investor, the second trade partner. Information Society has been identified by the EC as a priority sector for region-wide economic cooperation with Latin America (Rio 1999, Madrid 2002, Guadalajara was launched in 2002 as a 4 years programme with a total budget of 85M€ (80% funded by the EC)
BALTIC IT&T 2005 FORUM: eBaltics Riga 8/4/2005 Programme - Objectives stimulating co-operation between European and Latin- American partners facilitating the integration Latin-American countries in a global information society promoting dialogue between all actors and users of the information society and increasing interconnection between Research & Development communities of both regions meeting the needs of local communities and citizens
BALTIC IT&T 2005 FORUM: eBaltics Riga 8/4/2005 Programme - Structure 19 demostration projects (e-learning and cultural diversity, e-government, e-health, e-inclusiuon) two dialogues and three networks Political and regulatory dialogue (CEPAL) Dialogue on the standards (ETSI) Network of regulators (REGULATEL) Network of researchers (ALICE) Networks of stakeholders ISN)
BALTIC IT&T 2005 FORUM: eBaltics Riga 8/4/2005 Programme - State of the art All projects have started and are in the middle of their lifecycle, involving 214 organizations (103 from EU & 111 from LA) All EU and LA ICT policy makers have been sensibilized and activated More than 5000 researchers, developers, providers from EU and LA have expressed an interest, taken part events and presented proposals More than 1200 actors are involved in the collaborative work of community (
BALTIC IT&T 2005 FORUM: eBaltics Riga 8/4/2005 project:
BALTIC IT&T 2005 FORUM: eBaltics Riga 8/4/2005 project:
BALTIC IT&T 2005 FORUM: eBaltics Riga 8/4/2005 project:
BALTIC IT&T 2005 FORUM: eBaltics Riga potentially interested excluded Programme How to be Demonstration ISN
BALTIC IT&T 2005 FORUM: eBaltics Riga 8/4/2005 What ISN do Observation activities: Map of the Information Society in EU and LA, Map of funding opportunities for cooperation, IS Plans analysis Virtual Communities of practice: thematic aggregation, collaborative work & learning, virtual communities articulation, experts groups, knowledge brokerage, events organisation i-Twinning: exchanges among civil society actors High Level EU-LA Ministerial For a on IS: Lima, Rio… Sustainability support: workshops in LA, international networking (UN, CEPAL, UNESCO, etc)
BALTIC IT&T 2005 FORUM: eBaltics Riga 8/4/2005 To get updated information on projects, results and on general EU-LA developments in IS To promote your organisation, your projects, your network in LA and in Europe To participate in events, online working groups, publications preparation, etc. To connect your community of practices with similar groups in the field To discover collaboration opportunities and to enlarge your area of action Why to be involved?
BALTIC IT&T 2005 FORUM: eBaltics Riga 8/4/2005 How to be involved?
BALTIC IT&T 2005 FORUM: eBaltics Riga 8/4/2005 For more info