Purpose of the report Respond to a major gap in awareness and knowledge Overview of a range of best practices Highlight the interrelationships Not a policy statement but a platform for further discussions, First stage of ongoing work with key partners
Methodology Desk research Consultations Case studies
Coastal Re-alignment, UK Issues Vulnerability to storm surges Vulnerability of hard-engineered sea defences Predicted sea level rise Intertidal habitats trapped against sea walls
Approaches Managed realignment Repositioning hard defence landwards Accommodating space for intertidal habitat Increased flood water storage and wave attenuation Freiston Shore: existing sea defence breached and a secondary defence strengthened
Results Freiston Shore: 66ha saltmarsh habitat and 15ha saline lagoon Reducing wave height % and total wave energy % Adaptation to sea level rise and/or increased wave action on low-lying coasts
Strategic Fire Management, Australia Issues Increased incidence of destructive late dry season fires Contrast with the intricate cooler burning regimes used under traditional Aboriginal management
Approaches Improved fire management through an innovative public- private partnership Offsetting GHG emissions from a liquefied natural gas plant Reducing the number of destructive late season fires
Results Environmenta l Ecosystems GHG emissions ( tCO 2 /yr) Economic Employment and economic participation of aboriginal communities Avoided costs of destructive wildfires US$1 million/yr over 17 years to the Aboriginal Traditional Owners for CO 2 offset Social Enhancement of traditional indigenous culture Increased participation of aboriginal communities
Actively promote environmental management and eco- engineering as practical and appropriate means of disaster risk reduction
Respond to the current lack of awareness and under-used potential of natural buffers
Acknowledge the multiple benefits of environmental management and eco- engineering for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction
Develop climate funding potential
Broaden stakeholder engagement
Encourage and support those practical actions that need to be taken in relation to planning and management
Address the need for additional research and monitoring
Acknowledge that environmental management is not an all- encompassing solution