Emergency Management Australia 2015 / 2016 Annual Preparedness Briefing
Outline 2014/15 season review Crisis management arrangements 2015/16 season preparations
Season 2014/15 review - domestic The 2014/15 season was especially busy with emergency management agencies responding to a number of domestic and international events. Domestically, efforts were engaged to respond to the following incidents across the all-hazards scope (including): Tropical cyclones Bushfires Martin Place Siege EMA supported state-led responses to these events, coordinating the provision of capabilities as well as the provision of financial assistance. The Arrangements for Interstate Assistance (AIA) were activated for the first time, to support the cross-jurisdictional deployment of fire fighters to combat the WA bushfires (these Arrangements will be discussed in a subsequent slide). EMA deployed liaison officers to jurisdictional crisis centres to support the provision of Commonwealth assistance and facilitate requests for interstate assistance. EMA deployed experienced emergency management personnel – through the Emergency Management Assistance Team (EMAT) capability – to assist with contingency planning regarding the impacts of both TC Nathan and TC Lam. EMA also facilitated the provision of Commonwealth recovery payments The National Disaster Recovery Programs Branch of EMA administered a number of Commonwealth recovery payments to provide financial relief to affected states this season (these arrangements will be discussed in a subsequent slide) The large amount of events experienced this season is indicative of changes occurring within the natural landscape and the broader political environment and the sector’s need to prepare for increased events.
Season 2014/15 review - international Internationally, there were numerous events requiring Australian Government consideration and assistance across the all-hazards mandate. EMA engaged in preparedness and response activities to various events including the Ebola and MERS outbreaks, the Nepal Earthquake and TC Pam in Vanuatu EMA’s activations EMA activated AUSASSISTPLAN, Australia’s Overseas Disaster Assistance Plan, to support the deployment of: 2 medical personnel to provide technical advice and assistance to the Nepal Post (Nepal), and Medical personnel (a Rapid Response Team and an AUSMAT team) and a USAR team (Vanuatu). EMA deployed two EMA Liaison Officers with these capabilities to support the Vanuatu deployment. EMA activated COMRECEPLAN, Australia’s Plan for the reception of Australian citizens/approved foreign nationals evacuated from overseas, to facilitate evacuations from Vanuatu to Australia. EMA deployed two EMA Liaison Officers to Brisbane to support evacuation arrangements, including liaison with DFAT, Defence foreign embassies and local support agencies. EMA’s broader engagement with international incidents Numerous international security events triggered Aust Govt Crisis Coordination Arrangements, including the convening of Australian Government Crisis Committee (AGCC) and National Crisis Committee (NCC) meetings (eg: following the Charlie Hebdo shootings in France) EMA maintained Whole-of-Government situational awareness and reporting through the CCC during all international incidents. EMA also maintained Major Events Security Cells to maintain situational awareness of key events, including the ICC Cricket World Cup and the 2015 Asian Cup. EMA established a multi-agency ANZAC Day Incident Management Team to monitor domestic and international events, and support Ministers and senior officials.
Emergency Management Australia - Structure Attorney-General’s Department Emergency Management Australia Crisis Coordination National Disaster Recovery Programs National Security Training, Education and Development Dignitary and Major Event Security Role of EMA EMA, a division of AGD, is responsible for a range of crisis and security functions, including the coordination of crisis response and recovery efforts, the coordination of protective security arrangements (physical and personal) for Australian high office holders, and security arrangements for special events in Australia or overseas. EMA’s roles are administered through four functional areas (branches): The Crisis Coordination Branch works with key Aust Govt agencies to coordinate responses in a crisis situation and includes a planning section, an international section, and an evaluation and exercises section. The branch develops and maintains national disaster response plans which underpin the provision of Australian Government assistance to jurisdictions following an incident The branch maintains whole-of-government crisis information and operational coordination facility through the Crisis Coordination Centre - a 24/7 dedicated facility providing all-hazards whole-of-government situational awareness – and also manages a 24/7 National Security Hotline During a crisis, the branch is restructured to support the establishment of an Incident Management Team, to support a jurisdiction's response to an event, as requested. The National Disaster Recovery Programs Branch supports States and Territories on recovery aspects following disasters. The area is responsible for administering Aust Govt financial assistance to individuals and communities following a disaster, including the Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP), the Disaster Recovery Payment (DRP), and the Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA) Along with the CCB, this branch deploys liaison officers to the jurisdictions as requested, to provide guidance and support with coordination and recovery arrangements. The National Security Training, Education & Development Branch consists of the AEMI transition section, the Education, Research and Training section, and the Protective Security Training College section. The Australian Emergency Management Institute has now vacated its Mt Macedon premises and is in the process of transitioning into the National Security Training, Education and Development Branch. On 12 August 2015, the Minister for Justice announced a Consortium - comprised of AFAC, the Australian Red Cross, and the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC - will together deliver emergency management professional development products and services on behalf of EMA. (note: further information on the AEMI transition is provided at Tab 2 of your folder) The Dignitary and Major Event Security Branch coordinates dignitary protection arrangements for visiting dignitaries and Australian high office holders including the Prime Minister, the Federal Ministry, and other Members of Parliament assessed to be at risk. The Dignitary Protection Section is also responsible for the Continuity of Government arrangements which provide support and services for the continuity of the Cabinet and the Federal Executive Council during a national security situation that may impact on the business of one or both bodies.
Australian Government Crisis Management Framework (AGCMF) Purpose: The AGCMF clarifies roles and responsibilities at the Federal level and outlines the processes for how the Commonwealth and jurisdictions jointly manage crisis arrangements. States/territories lead response and recovery activities however can be assisted by the Commonwealth Government where the response overwhelms resources. Commonwealth Government maintains primary responsibility in a crisis that is not the responsibility of a state or territory - including the Indian Ocean Territories, Norfolk Island and Jervis Bay; maritime security incidents in Australia’s offshore areas (BPC) and consular emergencies overseas (DFAT). Aust Govt responsibilities: Supporting role – provide support to states when overwhelmed Joint management – working with states to manage a crisis that impacts multiple jurisdictions Primary responsibility – managing a crisis that is not the responsibility of a state Structure: Three committees – AGCC, NCC, IDETF – and cabinet NSC Role – situational awareness, advice, public information and coordination AGCC – chaired by PM&C, comprising senior officials from 14 AusGov agencies, domestic crisis, WoG advice and decisions NCC – chaired by PMC, representatives from States and Territory First Ministers and Emergency Services with either AGCC or IDETF (normally AGCC), builds a national picture and response (if required) IDETF – chaired by DFAT, comprising senior officials from AusGov agencies (often similar to AGCC members), international crisis, WoG advice and decisions. The AGCMF also outlines who (what Minister) is responsible for leading an Australian Government response to a crisis Minister for Justice, the Hon Michael Keenan MP, has responsibility for natural and other human caused disasters within Australia Attorney-General, has responsibility for terrorism, cyber security and other security-related crises within Australia This is especially important for crises which may fall across crisis classifications, such as international health responses (eg: Ebola) where multiple agencies are engaged in response efforts
Arrangements for Interstate Assistance (Fire and Emergency Services) Developed by EMA, AFAC, and the Victorian Fire Commissioner’s Office, in consultation with all jurisdictions Used in WA, NT, and NSW for the first time in 2014/15 season Background of the Arrangements: The AIA’s development was instigated by the then Victorian Fire Commissioner (Craig Lapsley) at a meeting of Commissioners and Chief Officers in May 2013. The AIA was developed to provide timely and meaningful exchange of capability between states and territories during significant incidents. Work was led by EMA, AFAC and the Fire Commissioner’s Office, in consultation with all jurisdictions. The AIA was endorsed by the CCOSC and accepted for use on 30 October 2014. Principles of the Arrangements: The Arrangements are for major incidents, requiring significant resource deployment to respond to large scale events (not BaU cross-border actions covered under local or state-to-state arrangements). The arrangements were distributed to jurisdictional emergency management agencies for use during the summer of 2014/15. Use of the arrangements: The arrangements were used for the first time in 2014/15 season: WA – Multiple jurisdictions assisted by sending fire fighters to tackle bushfires NT – NSW RFS sent habitat to assist in housing people affected by TC Lam, and subsequently TC Nathan NSW – QLD SES sent officers to assist with the clean up following the severe weather on the east coast The use of the arrangements this season highlighted their ability to successfully facilitate the effective and swift coordination of resources to assist jurisdictional response efforts. Where requested, EMA can assist jurisdictions to facilitate discussion (eg: convene teleconferences) and identify/organise assistance on behalf of the requesting state.
CCOSC Commissioners and Chief Officers Strategic Committee Established in 2013 Provides jurisdictional consideration and representation Provides expert operational advice on national issues Key functions: Consider and influence issues Provide consideration on Commonwealth issues Develop, progress, and oversee national capabilities Coordinate national operational matters during significant events Provide an operational reference group Purpose: CCOSC was established in 2013 by the AFAC Board. CCOSC provides jurisdictional consideration and representation on behalf of the AFAC Council to the Federal Government, as well as providing expert operational advice on national issues. Functions: Consider and influence issues to be presented to Australia New Zealand Emergency Management Committee (ANZEMC) and the Law, Crime and Community Safety Council (LCCSC) Provide consideration on issues related to the Commonwealth Government and Commonwealth Departments Develop, progress and oversee national fire and emergency service capability and capacity, including: Leadership Resources Governance of multi-jurisdictional events Communications, and Intelligence Coordinate national operational matters during significant events and to provide an operational reference group for multi-jurisdictional response arrangements Provides an operational reference group EMA engagement: EMA is a member of the CCOSC and is represented by the DGEMA.
National Capability Statement for Fire and Emergency Services EMA and AFAC partnering to progress the National Capability Statement in consultation with states and territories Phase One: issued in early 2015 Phase Two: will address how these capabilities can be best utilised Phase Three: will determine what is needed to further improve effectiveness of fire and emergency services Background: In October 2013, EMA and AFAC partnered to produce the 2015 National Statement of Capability for Fire and Emergency Services (the Statement). The Statement focuses on the capabilities which exist within fire and emergency services (rather than more broadly across the emergency management sector), recognising that these services provide the front line response to disasters and increasing demands are being placed on these agencies to contribute to broader PPRR activities. The Statement is designed to significantly contribute to the discussion on how we prepare for, respond to and recover from severe to catastrophic disasters by understanding the tipping point at which our extant capabilities are surpassed by the scale and intensity of these types of disasters. The Statement provides an opportunity to prepare for these types of events by thinking differently and mobilising our current resources more effectively. Timeline for the Statement: Phase One: delivers a baseline of current capability at a national level held by emergency services organisations (ESOs) in Australia. The first version of this work was delivered in early 2015 and has been distributed through ESOs and is available on the AFAC website. Phase Two: will address the question of how those extant capabilities can be best utilised during times of nationally significant disaster events. Work has not yet started on progressing this phase. Phase Three: will determines what capabilities are needed in the future to further improve the effectiveness of fire and emergency services during times of nationally significant disasters. Work has not yet started on progressing this phase. Next steps: At the 1 May 2015 meeting, CCOSC agreed that the Statement would be a standing agenda item for all future meetings. EMA will work with AFAC to progress Version Two of the National Statement.
National Situational Awareness Tool NSAT provides a real-time and consistent national view of all-hazard events across Australia Developments have been made to expand the information available to users, including a wider ranges of natural hazards. On 2 September 2015, NSAT Version 2 was released at the AFAC Conference Two publications are available: for Government (all levels) and a publically available resource for use across the community Purpose Since its inception in 2013, NSAT has enabled agencies across the emergency management sector to share real-time information, including incident data. It provides an environmental scan of emergency management data and information that can support jurisdictions to prepare for, and respond to, incidents. It improves decision-making across all levels of government through providing a consistent national view of all-hazard events across Australia. NSAT was developed by EMA in collaboration with the Emergency Management Spatial Information Network Australia (EMSINA) and Geoscience Australia. New developments Developments have been made to expand the information available to users, including a wider ranges of natural hazards (including tropical cyclones, floods and earthquakes). This updated version was released at the AFAC Conference on 2 September 2015. This update will be released in two versions: 1) publically available resource for use across the community; 2) For Official Use Only version is for use across all tiers of government. (Note: Geoscience Australian will provide more detail on the workings of the NSAT in their presentation)
Purpose: Existing emergency management arrangements in Australia have generally served the community well. The development of key plans to support the provision of commonwealth assistance to the state and territories (COMDISPLAN), as well as arrangements to more easily facilitate interstate support and assistance have enabled Australian states and territories to meet response needs. However, such extant arrangements would require enhancement to effectively respond to the catastrophic event/s. Definition: A catastrophic natural disaster is an extreme hazard event that affects one or more communities, resulting in widespread, devastating economic, health, infrastructure, social and environmental consequences and exceeds that capability of existing state or federal emergency management arrangements. Recent catastrophic disasters: - 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami – 155,000 deaths across numerous countries, millions homeless - 2005 Hurricane Katrina – 1,800 victims, $81 billion in damage - 2008 Cyclone Nargis, Sri Lanka and Burma - >135,000, widespread agricultural and livelihood devastation - 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan - >15,000, nuclear impact - 2011 Christchurch Earthquake - >150, widespread infrastructure impacts - In Australia: Canberra Bushfires (2003), Victorian Bushfires (2009), Queensland floods (2011) Where to from here? We need to pro-actively recognise the inevitability of severe to catastrophic natural disasters Continue to engage across the sector, through forums including the pre-season briefs and the Young Emergency Planners workshop hosted by EMA, to jointly consider, plan and exercise for these joint vulnerabilities which exceed jurisdictional and national boundaries. Better consideration of risk – particularly residual risk, which is often outside the scope of response planning. Maintaining and improving capabilities that have been developed by engaging with events within our ‘knowledge, skills, experiences and imagination’ over many years. We need to consider creative, innovative and adaptable ways to better utilise existing capability.
2015/16 Season Preparations: Challenges and opportunities Responding to concurrent domestic and international events Planning and exercising for catastrophic and once in a generation events Significant changes within the natural landscape and broader political environment Responding to concurrent domestic and international events Issue: shared commonwealth and state challenges – funding, resourcing and staffing constraints Political pressures/expectations remain, requiring agencies to achieve more with less Implications: reduced capability, stretching of resources and inability to perform desired and necessary tasks within timeframes Strategies: review internal processes (eg: surge staff arrangements); utilising external capabilities during response efforts (eg: EMAT members) Planning and exercising for catastrophic and once in a generation events Issue: the inevitability of increased severity of events, including to catastrophic proportions Implications: jurisdictions and the Cth Government being ill-prepared to effectively and efficiently respond to incidents of mass proportion, resulting in increased fatalities and structural/environmental damage Strategies: greater cross-sector engagement and collaboration (eg: through forums and seminars) to discuss these issues; multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency exercises (eg: Hermes Castle and the National Anti-terrorism exercise series) Significant changes within the natural landscape and broader political environment Issue: El nino weather event; changes in the national security and CT landscape Implications: increases in unusual weather activity (eg: tropical cyclones during winter months); more frequent and damaging terrorist activity Strategies: proactively plan and prepare for such events
Australian Government Non-Financial Assistance EMA coordinates a wide range of deployable capabilities Jurisdictional capabilities Australian Medical Assistance Teams (AUSMAT) Urban Search and Rescue Teams (USAR) Emergency Management Assistance Teams (EMAT) Australian Government capabilities Technical/specialist advice and assistance Sourcing translation and interpretation services To assist jurisdictions to prepare for, and respond to, emerging crises, EMA can be requested to coordinate the deployment of both Australian Government and jurisdictional capabilities. Jurisdictional capabilities: Key jurisdictional capabilities that EMA can coordinate to support the provision of assistance include: The deployment of medical personnel (Eg: through the AUSMAT capability) The deployment of urban search and rescue (USAR) personnel (Note: AUSMAT and USAR are first and foremost a domestic capability to augment state resources should these skills be required to respond to an event). The deployment of experienced emergency management personnel (EMAT) to fill policy, planning and coordination staffing gaps within operation centres, or in other roles as requested. EMAT is comprised of experience personnel from across all states and territories (approx. 40 EMAT members currently) EMAT can deploy rapidly and can be tailored in size and scope to meet jurisdictional needs. EMAT was utilised twice this season to assist jurisdictional planning and response efforts. Australian Government capabilities: Through COMDISPLAN, EMA can coordinate a wide suite of Aust Govt capabilities to support jurisdictional preparedness and response efforts. COMDISPLAN provides an overview of key resources and capabilities Australian Government agencies can provide This assistance spans from transport assistance to geospatial mapping to technical advice and expertise. In 2014-15, COMDISPLAN was activated to support the provision of Aust Govt capabilities, including Defence aircraft to facilitate the movement of persons and equipment, and Geoscience Australia’s satellite and mapping services. It’s important to note there are a range of other capabilities Aust Govt agencies can provide to assist states. These include (but not limited to) technical assistance for responses to chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear incidents (ARPANSA) Access to key databases to support recovery arrangements (Department of Human Services) Translation and interpretation services (Immigration) There is a full list of these capabilities provided at Annex A to COMDISPLAN. This list of resources is currently being revised through the Deployment Working Group (DWG) – chaired by EMA – to further strengthen the Australian Government’s ability to support jurisdictions to respond more effectively to emerging crises.
Australian Government Financial Assistance Recovery programs Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (joint Commonwealth-State funded) Disaster Recovery Payment Disaster Recovery Allowance Engagement with the Commonwealth NDRRA Determination restructure Recovery reforms The National Disaster Recovery Programs Branch within EMA is responsible for the administration of three recovery programs which provide financial assistance for disaster recovery: The Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) a jointly funded program between the Commonwealth and the states and territories. This is the primary mechanism for the provision of Australian Government recovery financial assistance following a disaster. The Disaster Recovery Payment (DRP) The Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA) DRP and DRA are Commonwealth only funded programs, activated by the Minister for Justice, through which financial assistance can be provided directly to disaster affected individuals [See Background for further information on the DRP and DRA]. Engagement with the Commonwealth: The Branch has dedicated recovery liaison officers to assist states with the activation of assistance under the NDRRA or any other recovery matter. EMA maintains strong and effective communication channels between the states and the Commonwealth to enable us to provide timely financial support, when requested. If and when a state is considering activation of the NDRRA, ensure you make contact early with the branch. NDRRA Determination Restructure: EMA is currently in the process of restructuring the NDRRA Determination to: remove ambiguity, ensure consistency, and improve accountability. The restructure will be released prior to the beginning of disaster season. States and territories will be provided with a draft of the restructured Determination prior to its finalisation through the NDRRA stakeholders group. Disaster funding reforms: The Productivity Commission’s final report on disaster funding arrangements was released in May 2015. The Government has been consulting with the states and territories over the past few months to get their feedback on proposed reforms. The Government will be thoroughly considering the views of all states before making any final decision on the reforms.