At a meeting of the City Council, along with the school board in the town of Sliven, head teachers and some prominent citizens, the school was named "Dr. Ivan Seliminski“. At a meeting of the City Council, along with the school board in the town of Sliven, head teachers and some prominent citizens, the school was named "Dr. Ivan Seliminski“ the school is a military hospital, and the gym - a storehouse for grain. the school is a military hospital, and the gym - a storehouse for grain The junior high school has been designated a focal with headmaster Vasil Popov. The public began to call it "model school“. The junior high school has been designated a focal with headmaster Vasil Popov. The public began to call it "model school“ In " Eski gem" / " mosque " / in Sliven newly built school with four classrooms opens its doors to students from first to fourth class. In " Eski gem" / " mosque " / in Sliven newly built school with four classrooms opens its doors to students from first to fourth class.
On was noted 75th anniversary of the Third School. The team was awarded "Red Banner of Labour " medal. Mentors of The minisry and the Institute are: Maria Geraskova, Ivanka Kondeva, 1988 at a concert in Sofia on the occasion of the Day of Slavonic Alphabet and Culture participate artistic groups of the school dance group under the leadership of Toncho and Magdalena Kisyovi supports creative contacts with dancers from the city of Ostrava - Czech Republic and with the House of Culture - the city of Ternopil , in the school works as an English teacher Miss Mickeal Kauk, a volunteer from the U.S. peace Corps the school was converted into the base.
Training is done in 23 modern classrooms, three computer labs, specialized classrooms for Bulgarian and English languages, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, history, geography and video room. Training is done in 23 modern classrooms, three computer labs, specialized classrooms for Bulgarian and English languages, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, history, geography and video room. Available to students is a library that is constantly updated with the artistic and scientific literature. For sports activities have four sports fields and two gyms. Available to students is a library that is constantly updated with the artistic and scientific literature. For sports activities have four sports fields and two gyms.
Students at an early stage study in 13 classes. They have 13 primary school teachers, six educators and one English teacher. Creative atmosphere reigns in the spacious, sunny and comfortable classrooms. Pedagogues and students work with passion and enthusiasm, thinking of the present and future of every individual and of the home school. Combine new and traditional methods, with a prevalence of the use of new educational technologies, preparing students for successful realization. They have 13 primary school teachers, six educators and one English teacher. Creative atmosphere reigns in the spacious, sunny and comfortable classrooms. Pedagogues and students work with passion and enthusiasm, thinking of the present and future of every individual and of the home school. Combine new and traditional methods, with a prevalence of the use of new educational technologies, preparing students for successful realization. The wealth of the school "Dr. Ivan Seliminski" are its students. With much love and concern for a better future - these are noble ambitions of the management.
Opportunities for developing creative talents in teenagers give various forms of extracurricular activities in different areas of Arts and Sciences:
In early September 2009 started to work on the cheerleaders of the Third School. Chief of Staff was English teacher Tamanda Pierce. Chief of Staff was English teacher Tamanda Pierce. Formed three age groups – Formed three age groups – 1-2 grade, 3-5 grade and 6-7 grade. 1-2 grade, 3-5 grade and 6-7 grade. The first manifestation of cheerleading is on September 15, They represent three different dances in the program for the official opening of the new school year. They were welcomed by their classmates and parents with a storm of applause.
Targeted daily work for the creation of school environment and positive thinking wakes permanent interest in students and parents. The goals of the movement are : Preservation and restoration of the environment Awareness of the interrelationship "man - nature" Developing a sense of personal responsibility. Managers are : teachers Katia Kirova and Vassilena Zhelyazkova