1 Arithmetic I Instructor: Mozafar Bag-Mohammadi Ilam University
2 Basic Arithmetic and the ALU Number representations: 2’s complement, unsigned Addition/Subtraction Add/Sub ALU Full adder, ripple carry, subtraction Carry-lookahead addition Logical operations and, or, xor, nor, shifts Overflow
3 Background Recall n bits enables 2 n unique combinations Notation: b 31 b 30 … b 3 b 2 b 1 b 0 No inherent meaning f(b 31 …b 0 ) => integer value f(b 31 …b 0 ) => control signals
4 Background 32-bit types include Unsigned integers Signed integers Single-precision floating point MIPS instructions (Appendix A.10)
5 Unsigned Integers f(b 31 …b 0 ) = b 31 x … + b 1 x b 0 x 2 0 Treat as normal binary number E.g. 0… = 1 x x x x x x x 2 0 = = 213 Max f(111…11) = 2 32 – 1 = 4,294,967,295 Min f(000…00) = 0 Range [0, ] => # values ( ) – = 2 32
6 Signed Integers 2’s complement f(b 31 …b 0 ) = -b 31 x … b 1 x b 0 x 2 0 Max f(0111…11) = 2 31 – 1 = Min f(100…00) = = (asymmetric) Range[-2 31, ] => # values( ) = 2 32 Invert bits and add one: e.g. –6 000…0110 => 111… => 111…1010
7 Why 2’s Complement Why not use sign-magnitude? 2’s complement makes hardware simpler Just like humans don’t work with Roman numerals Representation affects ease of calculation, not correctness of answer
8 Addition and Subtraction 4-bit unsigned example 4-bit 2’s complement – ignoring overflow
9 Subtraction A – B = A + 2’s complement of B E.g. 3 –
10 Full Adder Full adder (a,b,c in ) => (c out, s) c out = two or more of (a, b, c in ) s = exactly one or three of (a,b,c in ) abc in c out s
11 Ripple-carry Adder Just concatenate the full adders
12 Ripple-carry Subtractor A – B = A + (-B) => invert B and set c in to 1
13 Combined Ripple-carry Adder/Subtractor Control = 1 => subtract XOR B with control and set c in0 to control
14 Carry Lookahead The above ALU is too slow Gate delays for add = 32 x FA + XOR Theoretically, in parallel Sum 0 = f(c in, a 0, b 0 ) Sum i = f(c in, a i …a 0,, b i …b 0 ) Sum 31 = f(c in, a 31 …a 0, b 31 …b 0 ) Any boolean function in two levels, right? Wrong! Too much fan-in!
15 Carry Lookahead Need compromise Build tree so delay is O(log 2 n) for n bits E.g. 2 x 5 gate delays for 32 bits We will consider basic concept with 4 bits 16 bits Warning: a little convoluted
16 Carry Lookahead Need both 1 to generate carry and at least one to propagate carry Define:g i = a i * b i ## carry generate p i = a i + b i ## carry propagate Recall: c i+1 = a i * b i + a i * c i + b i * c i = a i * b i + (a i + b i ) * c i = g i + p i * c i
17 Carry Lookahead Therefore c 1 = g 0 + p 0 * c 0 c 2 = g 1 + p 1 * c 1 = g 1 + p 1 * (g 0 + p 0 * c 0 ) = g 1 + p 1 * g 0 + p 1 * p 0 * c 0 c 3 = g 2 + p 2 * g 1 + p 2 * p 1 * g 0 + p 2 * p 1 * p 0 * c 0 c 4 = g 3 + p 3 *g 2 + p 3 *p 2 *g 1 + p 3 *p 2 *p 1 *g 0 + p 3 *p 2 *p 1 *p 0 *c 0 Uses one level to form p i and g i, two levels for carry But, this needs n+1 fan-in at the OR and the rightmost AND
18 4-bit Carry Lookahead Adder p 3 g 3 a 3 b 3 s 3 c 3 p 2 g 2 a 2 b 2 s 2 c 2 p 1 g 1 a 1 b 1 s 1 c 1 p 0 g 0 a 0 b 0 s 0 c 0 Carry Lookahead Block c 0 c 4
19 Hierarchical Carry Lookahead for 16 bits P G a,b s c 12 P G a,b 8-11 s c 8 P G a 4-7 b s c 4 P G a 0-3 b s c 0 Carry Lookahead Block c 0 c 15
20 Hierarchical CLA for 16 bits Build 16-bit adder from four 4-bit adders Figure out G and P for 4 bits together G 0,3 = g 3 + p 3 * g 2 + p 3 * p 2 * g 1 + p 3 * p 2 * p 1 * g 0 P 0,3 = p 3 * p 2 * p 1 * p 0 (Notation a little different from the book) G 4,7 = g 7 + p 7 * g 6 + p 7 * p 6 * g 5 + p 7 * p 6 * p 5 * g 4 P 4,7 = p 7 * p 6 * p 5 * p 4 G 12,15 = g 15 + p 15 * g 14 + p 15 * p 14 * g 13 + p 15 * p 14 * p 13 * g 12 P 12,15 = p 15 * p 14 * p 13 * p 12
21 Carry Lookahead Basics Fill in the holes in the G’s and P’s G i, k = G j+1,k + P j+1, k * G i,j (assume i < j +1 < k ) P i,k = P i,j * P j+1, k G 0,7 = G 4,7 + P 4,7 * G 0,3 P 0,7 = P 0,3 * P 4,7 G 8,15 = G 12,15 + P 12,15 * G 8,11 P 8,15 = P 8,11 * P 12, 15 G 0,15 = G 8,15 + P 8,15 * G 0,7 P 0,15 = P 0,7 * P 8, 15
22 CLA: Compute G’s and P’s G 0,7 P G 8,15 P G 0,15 P G 12,15 P G 8,11 P G 4,7 P G 0,3 P
23 CLA: Compute Carries G 0,3 P G 8,11 P G 0,7 P c 8 c 12 c 8 g - g 15 p 12 - p 15 c 4 c 0 g 8 - g 11 p 8 - p 11 g 4 - g 7 p 4 - p 7 g 0 - g 3 p 0 - p 3 c 0 c 0
24 Other Adders: Carry Select Two adds in parallel; with and without c in When C in is done, select correct result 0 1 c Mux Full Adder select next select
25 Logical Operations Bitwise AND, OR, XOR, NOR Implement w/ 32 gates in parallel Shifts and rotates rol => rotate left (MSB->LSB) ror => rotate right (LSB->MSB) sll -> shift left logical (0->LSB) srl -> shift right logical (0->MSB) sra -> shift right arithmetic (old MSB->new MSB)
26 Shifter
27 Shifter E.g., Shift left logical for d and shamt Using 2-1 Muxes called Mux(select, in 0, in 1 ) stage0 = Mux(shamt,d, 0 || d ) stage1 = Mux(shamt, stage0, 00 || stage0 ) dout, stage1, 0000 || stage1 ) For Barrel shifter used wider muxes
28 All Together Add operation carry in invert result a b M u x M u x
29 Overflow With n bits only 2 n combinations Unsigned [0, 2 n -1], 2’s complement [-2 n-1, 2 n-1 -1] Unsigned Add > 7: => 1011 f(3:0) = a(2:0) + b(2:0) => overflow = f(3) Carryout from MSB
30 Overflow More involved for 2’s complement = -2: = = -2 is correct Can’t just use carry-out to signal overflow
31 Addition Overflow When is overflow NOT possible? (p1, p2) > 0 and (n1, n2) < 0 p1 + p2 p1 + n1 not possible n1 + p2 not possible n1 + n2 Just checking signs of inputs is not sufficient
32 Addition Overflow = 5 > 4: = 101 =? –3 < 0 Sum of two positive numbers should not be negative Conclude: overflow : = 011 > 0 Sum of two negative numbers should not be positive Conclude: overflow Overflow = f(2) * ~(a2)*~(b2) + ~f(2) * a(2) * b(2)
33 Subtraction Overflow No overflow on a-b if signs are the same Neg – pos => neg ;; overflow otherwise Pos – neg => pos ;; overflow otherwise Overflow = f(2) * ~(a2)*(b2) + ~f(2) * a(2) * ~b(2)
34 Zero and Negative Zero = ~[f(2) + f(1) + f(0)] Negative = f(2) (sign bit)
35 Zero and Negative May also want correct answer even on overflow Negative = (a < b) = (a – b) < 0 even if overflow E.g. is –4 < 2? 100 – 010 = 1010 (-4 – 2 = -6): Overflow! Work it out: negative = f(2) XOR overflow
36 Summary Binary representations, signed/unsigned Arithmetic Full adder, ripple-carry, carry lookahead Carry-select, Carry-save Overflow, negative More (multiply/divide/FP) later Logical Shift, and, or