Frank Linde, 18 December 2007 FOM mission budget +450 k€/year (2008)
Nikhef evaluation FOM-RvB2/16 Nieuwe Nikhef entree?
Nikhef evaluation FOM-RvB3/16 verleden (‘2000’) heden (‘2010’) ?1?1 ?2?2 toekomst ( 2015)
Nikhef evaluation FOM-RvB4/ poll Nikhef alive & kicking in 2030!
Nikhef evaluation FOM-RvB5/16 Nikhef’s mission statement The mission of Nikhef is to study the interactions and structure of all elementary particles and fields at the smallest distance scale and the highest attainable energy, and to connect the findings of today’s research in a qualitative and preferably quantitative manner to the fierce processes occurring in the early Universe, 13.7 billion years ago. Two complementary approaches are followed: Accelerator-based particle physics Experiments studying interactions in particle collision processes at particle accelerators, in particular at CERN; Astroparticle physics Experiments studying interactions of particles and radiation emanating from the Universe, with the Earth. Nikhef coordinates and leads all Dutch experimental activities in these fields.
Nikhef evaluation FOM-RvB6/16 Key questions
Nikhef evaluation FOM-RvB7/
Nikhef evaluation FOM-RvB8/16 Do we miss something? (coming 5 years) Attention required? (now)
Nikhef evaluation FOM-RvB9/16 solar neutrino’s dark matter search underground laboratory low-background experiment Low-background activities
Nikhef evaluation FOM-RvB10/16 Linear collider (detector) effort TPC only? Vertexing? DAQ? Calorimetry?
Nikhef evaluation FOM-RvB11/16 Do we miss something? (coming 5 years) Attention required? (now)
Nikhef evaluation FOM-RvB12/16 Accelerator contributions? CLIC–CTF3 XFEL FOM? NWO? alignment? cooling? design?
Nikhef evaluation FOM-RvB13/16 Detector R&D - industrial collaboration RELAXD (EZ)PANalytical Canberra IMEC (Nikhef) ITN-MC-PAD Marie Curie training network (2 PhDs) ATLAS –upgrade management (2 manyears) IA-???? tools (??????) Opportunities? Philips Medical Systems? XFEL detector system? NWO (medical) initiative? two new staff positions
Nikhef evaluation FOM-RvB14/16 Grid computing – AMSIX activities Upgrade required do you have any idea how important AMSIX is for Nikhef? one staff position – one CT position
Nikhef evaluation FOM-RvB15/16 For discussion (or not) I.Accelerators: I.CTF3 (CLIC) R&D effort? II.XFEL machine contributions? II.Industrial collaborations: I.Detector R&D and notably Medipix? III.AMSIX & grid activities: I.expand AMSIX activity (infrastructure!) II.Big Grid infrastructure housing III.e-Science institute Science Park Amsterdam? IV.Research activities: I.Gran Sasso National Laboratory experiment? II.Linear collider detector R&D topics?