Library Orientation For Teachers
Materials for Students Students must use reference material at school. Books may be checked out and TAKEN HOME. Audio books (playaways)—3 rd and 4 th grade Literacy backpacks—K and 1 st parents
Circulation Students check out material for 2 weeks. K—check out begins the second visit –1 book until December, 2 books in January 1 st ---2 books 2 nd ---2 books 3 rd —3 books 4 th ---4 books Faculty-??? Material is due back in June
Student material is due back the day BEFORE your library day.
Overdue Notices School Messenger—at the end of every grading period and more often at the end of school. Paper notices—almost every week (Please place these in the Monday folder)
Rotation Mrs. Bishop will teach 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th Ms. Deleon will teach Kindergarten. Ms. Christie will teach 1 st grade.
Lessons in the LMC Students receive a 25 minute lesson before checking out. Lessons are based on the TEKS.
Keep Mrs. Bishop in the loop so she can support your teaching. –Add to Eduphoria group. –If your students need extra practice with a skill, please let me know at least 1 week in advance.
Library Best Practices Have a “Class Librarian” who returns books on a daily basis as students are done with them. Make a check list for your students and write down how many books they check out. Items out list.
What materials does the library have for teachers? Books –Professional –Special Collections –Big Books –Story telling kits/manipulatives –Class sets –Reference books Videos/DVDs Cassettes and Cds Books on Tape (a few on CD) Games Picturing America
Teacher check out Preferred—Let us check you out on the computer. If we’re not available, use the Teacher Self Check-out notebook.
Teacher Self Check Out Rm. No.TeacherTitle of ItemBarcode (if any)Date OutDate Returned LMCBISHOPHow to Run the LMC Aug29-Aug
Checking the catalog Go to Click on Students On the drop down menu, click My Library Choose Raymond or Aldine High School Search by title, author, subject
Requests Mrs. Bishop. You may request the item from the on-line catalog. –Your “barcode” is “raym” + first initial + last name Ex: raymbbishop
Internet Resources Go to Click on Students Click on Internet Resources
Equipment is assigned to your room. Please do not move it from room to room. Overhead projectors Globes Tape/CD players Headsets (Listening Centers) (Computers/Document Cameras are issued by Mr. Tyler. Follow his instructions for those.)
TV carts NO students may move carts.
Videos Go to the Teacher TV/VCR Reservation Sign-Up Notebook. Fill out the form and reserve your TV. Do not bring/show movies from home. Movies must be approved by an administrator.
Raymond Reader –Procedures –Best Practices –Current lessons (on Month’s page) –Important dates/news