Visions / Ideas from Film Night – Feb 2013 All comments stuck up on the carpet walls have been recorded here We apologise for any mis-interpretations and incorrect spelling
Transport Celebrate walking trails in Gawler Bike lanes Bike parks outside shopping centres More kids riding bikes to school More bike lanes and encouragement for people to ride Organise a family ‘fun cycle’ around Gawler cycle track – Raise public awareness – promote use of bikes Bike lanes cut out and then re-start later down the road Introduce smaller (21 seat) buses – not massive empty ones Smaller green buses in the town Car share schemes Car pooling Transport networks for schools – no school runs Biodiesel Electric cars
Waste Repurposing e.g. sharing skills, sewing and lots of other things Hard rubbish good for recycling Check out the Humanure website An op-shop trail E-waste centre Education eg composting, permaculture Reed bed toilets/bathrooms Invite quilters/textile groups and gain promotion/publicity and new members from this Pity about Willaston Dump – dump shops are great Get school to look at their waste
Local Economy use Gawler station shop front to advertise Transition Get L.E.T.S or simliar up and running in Gawler Local currency Raise awareness of the benefits of localising the Gawler economy Local economy shopping guide Create a ‘Hemp’ industry in Gawler from growing to processing and manufacturing clothing and other products. Increase in cycling may increase local business opportunities Local sales from local producers (cut out the middle man)
Arts and Culture Live music venue for Gawler musicians Chill out local live music wine bar in Gawler Womad’ Gawler style Using Nursing Homes and their skills to show how things used to be done: cooking sewing, gardening etc Interview and record ‘Gawler’s Elders’ and their stories about Gawler MORSBAGS (google it!) Celebrate local talent Musicians among the Transition members to form a band called the Transition Band (or similar) to perform at meetings and increase public awareness Recycling of stuff Create art out of junk Teach our children old/lost crafts Community ‘events’ such as the bag making on the video but with themes life ‘Basic Clothes Repairing’. Repurposing clothes etc Revive Gawler's Humbug club
Food Better markets for local produce and crafts Produce a flyer listing what locally grown food is sold at which outlet Share farming involving members of Transition Gawler and local farmers combined Awarding local food sellers for using local products Main street markets Renew school based projects such as local gardens Community garden on Goose Island as a suggestion Community House are trying to develop community gardens for ‘food production’ Fruit trees for street trees More local produce and manufacturing less from overseas School kitchen garden program Working bees to convert backyards to practical gardens – veg, fruit and natives
Food Community garden Even a chance for local business to grow their own product School garden project Neighbours sharing food Produce exchange Local brewing group Council tree planting – include fruit trees for community use 50km food festival Community garden with Australian native foods Baking group “Knead and natter” Food festival of local produce Local seed banks Serve local/organic brew at pubs in Gawler
Energy wind turbines, solar, sun/mirror harnessing Bulk buy solar hot water systems Get local businesses to join the cause and give their support with energy saving methods Incentives for sustainable energy, rain water tanks etc Good solar dryers, community wood ovens to reduce power and introduce community Solar oven workshops Community solar ownership Encourage sporting clubs to go solar Transition Gawler to provide an energy efficiency support to households
Other Become guest speakers at service clubs eg lions, kiwanis, Apex, rotary light, rotary. Hand out flyers. Get Food Forest/Gawler Horticultural and Agricultural Society involved. Courses on ‘how to’. Talks/planning sessions Built environment education program for kids Learning groups to share gardening skills School visits Working with local schools to involve kids Use an empty shop front to present a display (video loop) promoting your next meeting and what your group trying to achieve Gold Star day for public transport commuters