OPEN DAYS 2011 Kick-off event 08 December 2010, 11:00, DG REGIO Welcome by Dirk Ahner and Gerhard Stahl Evaluation of OPEN DAYS thematic priorities Event partners and organisation Timetable Questions and Answers
Evaluation of OPEN DAYS 2010 More than 1,300 responses to online evaluation (some 20% of participants). For event partners, the quality of the event significantly improved as regards organisational issues. For participants, expectations were best met for areas of interest such as ‘learning about best practice’ and ‘networking’: Two in three participants indicated ‘immediate actions’ stemming from contacts made during OPEN DAYS and some 94% found participation useful for their daily work. Scope for improvement: Concept of Opening Session; quality of debates, facilitating networking including via social networks (RegioNetwork2020).
2011 slogan: Investing in Europe’s future: Regions and cities delivering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Three thematic priorities: Europe 2020 visualising how cohesion policy contributes to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Better delivery to focus on how to improve delivery of cohesion policy in the current period and post Geography matters highlighting the usefulness of territorial approaches when identifying needs and exploiting potentials at regional and local level (urban development; territorial cooperation; EGTC; macro-regions; OPEN DAYS University; cooperation with third countries)
OPEN DAYS 2011: The programme September-November: Local events in the regions and cities 10 October: Opening Session in the EP (incl. REGI meeting/CoR Plenary) Regional partners‘ workshops/debates (25-30) Regional offices OPEN DAYS University workshops/debates (10-15) Charlemagne building CoR Meeting Place workshops/debates (25-30) CoR building DG REGIO workshops/debates (25-30) Commission buildings October
Event partners Regional partnerships: application by at least 5 and not more than 12 European regions and/or cities, including one lead and one deputy partner; to deliver (a) one workshop or debate, (b) at least one local event per partner; (c) at least four projects co-financed by EU regional policy. Regions, cities, companies and banks: In the context of the Meeting Place, public-private partnership projects to be presented during workshops and networking sessions. OPEN DAYS University: Academics in the field of regional policy to apply by CV.
Two types of events Workshops to present either (a) information and offer training, or (b) elaborate on experience and good practice and facilitate cooperation and networking; not more than four speakers and one moderator will be accepted per workshop. Debates touch upon specific aspects involving a group of experts and a moderator while avoiding presentations and speeches and instead building on the expertise of an informed public; not more than six panellists and one moderator will be accepted for debates. New: nomination of a conference manager for each event to watch over quality and documentation. 1 2
Timing of events Monday 10 October, 15:00-17:00 Opening Session, European Parliament Hemicycle Tuesday 11 October: 3 workshop slots: 9:00-10:45; 11:15-13:00; 14:30-17:30 Wednesday 12 October: 3 workshop slots: 9:00-10:45; 11:15-13:00; 14:30-17:30 Thursday 13 October: 2 workshop slots 9:00-10:45; 11:15-13:00
The Meeting Place Who? Regions, cities, companies, banks, European associations What? Focus on public-private partnerships (PPPs) followed by networking sessions; Café, VIP rooms for ad-hoc meetings; TV Studio, Media Centre for regional media. How? Regions, cities, companies, banks and European associations to apply by either individual PPPs or complete workshops (three PPPs from different regions) by 04 March. Where? Committee of the Regions
The OPEN DAYS University Who? Academics in the field of regional development and associations such as the Regional Studies Association. What? Presentation of and exchange on recent research on regional developement and cohesion policy. How? Individual applications (CVs) to be sent to Ann-Kerstin Myleus at DG REGIO by 04 Where? Charlemagne building
Showcasing projects co-funded by EU regional policy Who? Regions and cities of regional partnerships. What? Per partnership, at least four projects co-financed by the ERDF or the Cohesion Fund including cultural projects, which could perform during OPEN DAYS. How? Applications to be sent to Marie Lambert at DG REGIO by 04 Where? During the Opening Session in the EP or at DG REGIO as part of thematic workshops.
Local events: “Europe in my region/city“ Who? Regional partner regions and cities of OPEN DAYS 2011 and other local partners; members of the CoR, the EP, or regional and local assemblies etc. What? Workshops, debates, conferences, festivals, exhibitions, cultural or sport events, radio or TV broadcasts, Europe at school, youth competitions on the thematic priorities of OPEN DAYS How? Application via regional partnerships or by individual local partners. Where? In the partner regions and cities and all over Europe.
Communication tools as of 08 December 2010: OPEN DAYS 2011 website; RegioNetwork2020 end of January 2011: Local events handbook (in EN, FR and DE) end of April: OPEN DAYS poster and map end of June: OPEN DAYS brochure on 2011 thematic priorities and highlights from programme end of September: Programme at a glance
OPEN DAYS 2011: Media programme Media programme for journalists to be invited by DG REGIO and the CoR. Media Centre including TV studio and working facilities as part of the Meeting Place.
Timetable 04 MarchApplication deadline for all partners including draft workshop description 25 March Results of selection procedure made public 04 May 1 st meeting of partners (selection, concept, draft programme) 27 MayDetailed descriptions for all sessions, including chairpersons‘ and speakers‘ names + detailed description of local events 21 June2 nd meeting of partners (final programme) 04 July Registration begins (tbc) Sept.-Nov. OPEN DAYS 2011 local events all over Europe Oct. OPEN DAYS 2011 seminars in Brussels
Questions and Answers