The Media Research Center Situation Analysis to Prepare for a $110 Million Fundraising Campaign
Contents Introduction: Primary Questions; Objectives of Review Participants Work Sheets Interviewee Comments Interview Statistics (to date) Segments
Primary Questions: Bringing Political Balance and Responsibility to the Media: Where Is the MRC Headed With This Mission? How do you make hard goals of “balance”? Of responsibility? What steps must be taken to achieve them? How can a ground swell of support rise to support accomplishing this mission? Who will benefit the most from the programs that for the ground swell, for which the support will come? What resources will be required to make the ground swell happen?
People. Facilities. Equipment. Materials. Information. Time. Money What are we going to do? How much will it all cost? Who will provide the financing? Determine the Resources Required and the Costs of Achieving it
Problem Statement: In Standard Business Terms Mission: To bring political balance and responsibility to the media Vision Landmark objective Major goals/objectives Strategies Tactics Resources Required: Personnel, Strategic Plan, Facilities, Equipment, Material, Information, Time, Financing/Money
The Challenge to RR&A and The Geneva Group From the situation analysis data… –Ratify, or redefine, the Mission –Suggest the Vision, or Landmark Objective –Define the Steps required to Achieve it –Determine the Resources Required and the Costs of Achieving it –Outline the Marketing Program (Campaign) to Obtaining the Resources Required –Report these to The Media Research Center –With suggestions for Starting, Getting Into, and Carrying Out the Program
Ratify or redefine the Mission
Suggest the Vision, or Landmark Objective MRC focused mainly on Media, Media Establishment, and not policy makers like other conservative groups, but constituents don’t realize it. (Phase I)
Define Steps Required to Achieve Vision (or Landmark Objective) NEWS is the focus of the MRC – News Division, Conservative News Service, Conservative Communications Center. (Phase I) MRC’s work driven by politics (“current events” – LBB). (Phase I) Primary Issue: Constitutional Freedom vs. Big Government Control (Phase I) Major asset: 14 years of documenting research (Phase I)
Define Steps Required to Achieve Vision (or Landmark Objective) (cont.) MRC’s finances show GROWTH, GROWTH potential IF EXCELLENCE IS PERCEIVED BY DONORS. (Phase I) Bridge perceived credibility gaps on part of donors – chart five- to ten-year course leading to accomplishing mission to bring credibility, responsibility to Media (Phase I) Normal course of programs for next five years, can total operating expenses of nearly $60 Million without special programs after PTC split. (Phase I)
Define Steps Required to Achieve Vision (or Landmark Objective) (cont.) SPEED will matter; all business in America is now based on doing things quickly, although many Americans question if we have eliminated efficiency and thoroughness through making speed a goal. Speed is nonetheless a recognized goal of business, brought about by the technical revolution in which we are entrenched as a society. (Phase I)
Define Steps Required to Achieve Vision (or Landmark Objective) (cont.) Consider an in-house full TV studio from which special MRC daily broadcasts will emanate – to specialized locations (where American leaders congregate – Wall Street, Capitol Hill, et al) via closed circuit (Phase I)
Determine Resources Required, Costs, to Achieving Vision, Landmark Objective Governing boards matter: expand the MRC’s. (Phase I) –Brief them on implications and their responsibilities for Endowment Fundraising (Phase I) Excellent new building; tells people the MRC is important. (Phase I)
Determine Resources Required, Costs, to Achieving Vision, Landmark Objective (cont.) Donors of over $10,000 each in past four years averaged $42,000 each; in a successful campaign of $110 Million, 109 suck donors must give annually for five years; to ensure 109 such donors, 545 bona fide prospects must be asked for such donations. The 109 donors will include 16 (80 prospects) giving $1 Million or more. (Phase I) “Board of Trustees” is most important donor asset and must be built upon. (Phase I)
Outline Marketing Program (Campaign) to Obtain Resources Primary Markets: –Media –Political Community (Phase I) –LBB added Education –RR&A also suggested “Big” Business, Private Education, Organized Religion, Entrepreneurs Traditional Youth Organizations
Outline Marketing Program (Campaign) to Obtain Resources (cont.) MRC known for compelling meetings. (Phase I) Focused on promotion without thinking of to whom and for whom promotion is directed. (Phase I) Few people can name your accomplishments. (Phase I) LBB is a strong figurehead. (Phase I)
Outline Marketing Program (Campaign) to Obtain Resources (cont.) Money follows positive recognition when prompted PROPERLY to do so. Therefore, excellence is everyone’s business. Donors henceforth will give more and more based on their perception of investing in a successful enterprise, one which will be accountable to that investor through performance and effectiveness. Donors will have their own plans and will be working their plans when including the MRC in their giving.
Outline Marketing Program (Campaign) to Obtain Resources (cont.) A Campaign Director will need to understand and work from a marketing mindset and plan, meaning that he will force the organization to stay focused on responding to the MRC’s target markets and their needs through the MRC’s primary programs. The same will be true for the donor market who will support the MRC’s programs.
Outline Marketing Program (Campaign) to Obtain Resources (cont.) Analyze all past and current donors for estimated future campaign gift amount and method of solicitation – start now. Add donor names to tentative pyramid of prospects and gifts in Phase 1 Report. (Phase I)
Report to MRC
Suggest Start-Up, Getting Into, Carrying Out Campaign