MY LEARNING CONTRACT. Ability to work: Speaking.
GOAL: To increase my vocabulary to speak English. To keep daily conversations in English. To be more confident to Speak.
Prior learning and experience. I have good bases of English. I have very good English grammar and I am good understanding texts.
Gap analysis: I need to increase my vocabulary and I need to have more confidence for better fluency
Objectives: To have a C1 level (as a minimum) in Speaking when I finish my career. To have excellent English fluency.
Available Resources. Places: college, library, home. Links: Books: *Longman grammar of spoken and written English. *English Flash Games for Learning Vocabulary. *Dictionary. *Stories.
Computer Technology: *Websites. *Chat with some friends that know English. People: Speak with people that know English very well.
Learning Strategies. Listen many conversations in English. Listen many songs in English. Try to use English in everyday expressions. Always that I can speak English do it with confidence no matter if I make mistakes. Read many books to increase my vocabulary.
Potential obstacles and solutions. One obstacle is that there are few people around me who like English and is very difficult to be constantly practicing English, and the solution would be to try to be very in contact with friends and people you like and manage English well. Other obstacle would be the time. To learn another language is very important to take time to study and practice and sometimes We do not give ourselves the time to study it. the solution would be to make schedules for all activities and have a very good time to study English.
How will you measure your success? Do test where I can measure my English level in Speaking. Do conversations with native speakers and I notice what was my progress on my goals. Evaluate myself every week and see what I learned and what I need still to learn to reach my Objetive.