PFA Template Concept Performance Mip Track and Interaction Point ID Cluster Pointing Algorithm Single Particle Tests of PFA Algorithms S. Magill ANL
PFA Template Concept Modular PFA composed of multiple individual particle ID algorithms Common IO throughout PFA for cluster, ID algorithms - at each step, complete set of subdetector hitmaps modified by the previous algorithm (allEM, allHAD, allHITS) - allows interchangeability of algorithm order, cluster and ID algorithms - for example, different optimized clustering can be used at each step - ease of algorithm import Relies as much as possible on single particle tuning of individual algorithms (as opposed to process tuning) - can test/tune individual algorithms in test beam(s)
Current PFA Template – DigiSim – hit digitization, timing, threshold cuts Perfect PFA – standard Perfect RPs, cheated tracks Cheated/Reconstructed Tracks Track Extrapolation Maps – spacepoints along extrapolated tracks, i.e., layer 0 ECAL/HCAL, ECAL shower max Track-Mip Association – mip segment, interaction point of charged particles Cluster Pointing Algorithm – 3 cluster classes; points at charged particle interaction spacepoint, points at IP, non-pointing Photon Finder I – subset of IP-pointing clusters based on track/cluster distance Photon Finder II (R. Cassell) – multi-variable evaluation of DT clusters Track-Cal Cluster Matching – iterative matching of clusters to tracks using distance, E/p Photon Finder III – low energy photon clusters Track Proximity Cleaner – photon candidates trimmed near tracks EM/HAD Cluster Merger – merges EM and HAD clusters in cone Neutral Hadron Finder – leftover clusters Reconstructed Particles -> Energy Sum, Jet Finding Purity Efficiency
PFA Template Performance – qqbar100 rms = 5.8 GeV rms90 = 3.7 GeV alpha90 = 0.37 rms = 5.9 GeV rms90 = 3.8 GeV alpha90 = 0.38 RecoParticle ESum – qqbar ESum RecoParticle Dijet Mass – qqbar Mass
Associating Cal Showers with Tracks Track/Mip and Track/Shower Algorithms for PFA Template Tracks - cheated, from Perfect PFA (ReconFSTracks) - extrapolated using helical swimmer with MC p, MC origin, charge, Bz - ready for real track extrapolation with measured p, origin, charge, Bz Track Extrapolation Map Utility -maps spacepoint to track extrapolated to E0, EM Shower Max, H0 Track Mip Cluster and Interaction Layer Finder Cluster Pointing Algorithm Track Shower Cluster Finder - associates clusters to tracks starting from IL - first, finds core clusters by searching in same region as mip finder - uses cluster proximity ( , ) and E/p measure based on CAL resolution for p - iterates expanding cone until E/p window is met or max cone size is reached - outputs are track shower clusters (includes mips, core, and shower)
Shower reconstruction by track extrapolation Mip reconstruction : Extrapolate track through CAL layer-by-layer Search for “Interaction Layer” -> Clean region for photons (ECAL) -> mip clusters matched to tracks Cluster Pointing : Determine pointing vector -> Match ILSP pointing clusters to track Shower reconstruction : Optimize matching, iterating in E,HCAL separately (E/p test) ECAL HCAL track Shower clusters Mips one cell wide! IL Hits in next layer
Track-Mip Algorithm – Interaction Layer Interaction layer for all tracks -> exponential behavior for each section of CAL – 20/10 layer ECAL sections and 34 layer HCAL Also some non-interacting pions
Comparison of Mip Endpoint to MC Track Endpoint rms = 30 cm rms90 = 4.5 cm
MIP Finder Performance in qqbar100 events
Track-Mip Algorithm Summary The Track-Mip Algorithm associates hits to a track with almost no loss in purity In simulated physics events, values of the purity of the found mip clusters are typically >99% In addition, the interaction point of charged hadron showers is also obtained – 90% occuring within 5 cm of the MC track endpoint As a standalone program, this algorithm can be evaluated and tuned with test beam data Plans are to produce a C++ version of the algorithm that can be used in the MarlinReco framework
Cluster Pointing Algorithm Cluster hits with DT clusterer – 4 hit minimum for principal axes determination - plan to test other cluster algorithms Compare cluster pointing direction to IL spacepoint direction and IP direction : If IL spacepoint comparison ILSP Cluster Else if IP direction comparison small enough -> IP Cluster Else NP (non-pointing) Cluster Do cluster fragments of charged hadrons point to the interaction point?
Single pion cluster pointing results DT Clustering with 4 hit minimum, after mip finder, 1-10 GeV pions, degrees
IP Cluster subdivision 25% “photons” 75% charged hadrons
Cluster pointing results in qqbar100 events
IP Cluster subdivision
Purity of ILSP Clusters (assume charged hadron)
IPPho Clusters (EM only)
Non-Pointing Clusters
Track-CAL Performance in qqbar100 events Average size of matched charged hadron cluster – ( , )
Track-CAL Performance in qqbar100 events 97.6% purity2.9% contr.1.1% contr. Photons Neutral Hadrons
Cluster Pointing Algorithm Summary A cluster pointing algorithm has been developed which, at present, forms 3 classes of clusters, with one being further subdivided into 2 pieces As tested so far with the DT clusterer, high charged particle purities are obtained for clusters pointing at the interaction layer spacepoint (>98%) – other clusterers will be tested Also, high photon purities are obtained for clusters which point at the IP and which are not too close to a track – (>95%) This algorithm, used in conjunction with the Track-Mip Algorithm, can be evaluated and tuned with test beam data Plans are to produce a C++ version of this algorithm which can run in the MarlinReco framework.
Summary The PFA Template approach lends itself to the development of modular cluster and particle ID algorithms which and be tested as standalone programs in test beam. The cluster pointing algorithm is probably sensitive to the choice of hadron shower models in the simulation, so it is important to test it with real data. Plans are to produce C++ versions of the algorithms discussed in this talk, and also for any other algorithms use in the Template for which test beam data is now or will become available.