California Health Workforce Alliance Data Workgroup Progress November 2009 through February 2010
Data Workgroup Purpose To provide complete, timely and strategic information to members of the California Health Workforce Alliance regarding state workforce data collection efforts; to provide information about workforce development programs or projects in place that may be leveraged or replicated in other areas of the state; and to inform policy as well as resource allocations needed throughout the state.
Data Workgroup Charge 1.ID the sources of current data and information 2.ID current data collection processes and time frames for release 3.ID current gaps in data in targeted disciplines and at all stages of pipeline/pathways 4.Generate a preliminary mapping framework (without the data) and how it can be used to foster accountability, facilitate rapid promulgation of innovation and to inform public and private policy and program development and implementation efforts
Data and Program Inventory Methodology Discussion of health workforce data sources and data providers at Data Workgroup Teleconference Meetings held in September and October 2009 Held 1:1 Telephone meetings with data and providers and health workforce development programs represented on the Data Workgroup Web research
Data Workgroup Outcomes Developed draft matrix of data elements collected by various data providers Developed draft table of health workforce development programs
Data Element Matrix Identifies: Data Program—ie. Who hosts Fields of data collected/to be collected Data Providers Collection method Collection timeframe Release timeframe Aggregate data Individual data Data access Purpose for data collected
Who is or will be collecting data to inform health workforce programs and planning? OSHPD—Healthcare Workforce Clearinghouse Program; Health Professions Education Foundation California Department of Education California Community Colleges California State University System California Hospital Association Workforce Committee California Primary Care Association Workforce Committee California Postsecondary Education Commission Board of Registered Nursing Others?
Program Matrix Identifies: Program Administrator Program Purpose Point of Intervention Program Scale and Scope of Partners Funding Source and Scope Funding available/funding cycles Type of program and target Awards/participants versus requests Award categories What’s Missing?
Benefits to Data or Program Inventory Informs regional/industry collaboratives and/or partnerships that are needed Informs program development efforts Assists with fundraising Informs policy What else???
Next Steps Continue data inventory Continue program inventory ID current gaps in data in targeted disciplines and throughout the various stages of the pipeline/pathway Develop regional maps of health professions pathways