MDS 3.0 Things to Assess Carefully Christa M. Hojlo, PhD, RN, NHA 810 Vermont Ave, NW (114) Washington, DC
Objectives Learner will: Articulate history of MDS 3.0 Identify differences between 2.0 and 3.0 Address important aspects in the following Sections:C Cognitive Patterns D Mood E Behavior M Pressure ulcers Q Participation in Assessment and Goal Setting (discharge planning) Describe Care Area Assessment (CAA) Summary
History of MDS 3.0 VA involvement Testing 5 new sections
Identify Differences Between 2.0 and 3.0 Shorter Questions stated more clearly Evidence based
Special Sections C Cognitive Patterns D Mood E Behavior M Skin Conditions Q Participation in Assessment and Goal Setting (discharge planning)
Section C-Cognitive Patterns Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS) Interview Staff assessment if resident not interviewable Correlation with MMSE Summary score
Section D-Mood Interview Staff assessment if resident not interviewable Correlation with GDS Score
Section E Behavior Direct observation required Impact on resident Impact on staff Section on wandering
Section M-Skin Conditions New definition of pressure ulcers Where acquired Risk assessment required (facility can select) Current number of unhealed and what stage Unstageable Measure length, width, depth
Section M-Skin Conditions (cont’d) Etiology important! Other ulcers, wounds, skin conditions Skin and ulcer treatments No reverse staging
Q Participation in Discharge Planning Assessment and Goal Setting Interview – resident’s expectations Recommend social worker/discharge planner assess Ties into Olmsted Act Discharge into community assessed and addressed
Care Area Assessment (CAA) Summary What is CAA? CAAs vs. RAPs Who participates Why is this important
Summary MDS 3.0 designed to improve the assessment of residents using improved questions that have been tested. New Sections and implications Good training is very important
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