Our Community Sugar Land, Texas
In our community we … …live… …work… …have fun… … and solve problems.
Where do we live in our community? Most of us live in neighborhoods, where there are houses next to each other on streets.
Where else do we live in our community? Some of us live in apartments, where you live in the same building as your neighbors.
Where else do we live in our community? Some of us live in a hotel for a short time while our houses or apartments are being fixed or built.
Where do we work in our community? schools business buildings restaurants …and many more places. Can you think of any?
Where else do we work in our community? Some of us drive to other communities, like Houston, to go to work.
Where do we have fun in our community? We can go to parks and playgrounds.
Where else do we have fun in our community? We can go swimming at the pool.
Where else do we have fun in our community? We can go to some of the places where we people work. restaurants shopping malls movie theaters
There are so many more places to have fun in our community. Where do you go to have fun?
How do we solve problems in our community? The government is a group of people that works together to solve problems in the community. These people solve problems at city hall.
Who solve problems in our community? David Wallace The mayor is the leader of the city government. This is our mayor. He makes sure our community is a good place to live.
Who else solve problems in our community? The city council is a group of people that works with the mayor to make laws and solve problems. Where do you think they work?
Who else solve problems in our community? There are also judges that make sure we follow the laws.
You can also solve problems by being a good citizen.
How can you be a good citizen? … by making the community a beautiful place to live. … by helping others. … by getting along with others.
Now that we know all about our community… What kind of community do you think we live in?
Urban? Rural? Suburban? Suburban
That is our community! Sugar Land, Texas