Future of Offshore Jumbo Directors The Future of Offshore/Jumbo Director Moderator: Alistair Walters 16 Jan 2014
Significance of the corporate governance industry for Cayman How has the corporate governance industry changed post Lehman? Is it the new growth industry for Cayman? Results of recent CIMA survey and current issues for industry. Is Cayman the only player in corporate governance market?
Recent developments in fund structures and in the role of directors Balancing investor confidence and control by manager Single fund structures and master feeder structures Is there still a role for the manager to have a representative on the board of underlying fund companies? Is there a distinction between the role of directors of a feeder fund compared to the master fund and any conflict between them? What are the different ways that enhanced oversight can be achieved (e.g. oversight boards and conflict committees and how do they work in practice).
Recent developments in fund structures and in the role of directors Increasing use of "mixed' boards. Cayman directors sitting on boards of funds regulated under the Investment Company Act 1940 and ERISA entities. Transparency and disclosure - what is material?
Legal and regulatory issues CIMA Statement of Guidance for Regulated Mutual Funds. US legal and regulatory view of “independent directors”
Challenges for directors going forward in managing fund structures Competence Capacity Composition Choice Compensation Control See "Redefining Corporate Governance: Toward a new frames for hedge fund directors' Castle Hall Alternative and Select Fund Services
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