Substructure of a MAP-Streamer Mark A. Liniger (MeteoSwiss) Huw C. Davies (IACETH) QJRMS, 129, (MAP special issue) 12 UTC 6 Nov 1999 (MAP IOP-15)
Evolution of 320 K 18 UTC 5 Nov.12 UTC 6 Nov.06 UTC 7 Nov.
Aim Are measured meso-scale features detectable in GCM analyzed fields? How far are observed structures linked to synoptic scale transport processes? data sources: ECMWF analysis fields (T319L60) Meteosat water vapour (WV) WV DIAL (DIfferential Absorption Lidar) flown on the Falcon aircraft of DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt)
Lagrangian Forward Projection t = t = bases on RDF technique (Sutton et al. 1994) 3D – Trajectories backwards from a prespecified domain Projection of a geographical marker or conserved (or non- conserved) tracer from an earlier position to the prespecified domain.
horizontal WV reconstruction Meteosat WVvertically integrated WV of analysis vertically integrated WV of LFP for 24 hours white = dry
Interpretation LFP for 24 hours to the 450 hPa surface increase in pressureincrease in pot. temperature
WV DIAL & analysis Longitude water vapour observed by DIAL (DLR) Height (km) Height (km) 0 E4 E8 E g/kg water vapour from ECMWF analysis, interpolated to observation time. dryhumid
WV DIAL & LFP E4 E8 E Longitude water vapour observed by DIAL (DLR) Height (km) g/kg water vapour, LFP for 15h, based on ECMWF analyses dryhumid
WV DIAL & long LFP E4 E8 E water vapour, LFP for 39h, based on ECMWF analyses Longitude water vapour observed by DIAL (DLR) Height (km) g/kg dryhumid
E4 E8 E Longitude backscatter ratio (aerosols) observed by DIAL (DLR) Height (km) g/kg water vapour, LFP for 39h, based on ECMWF analyses backscatter ratio & long LFP (from Hoinka et al., 2003) dryhumid
Striation: Interpretation
Streamers breakup, 18 hours composite contours: LFP for 24 hours to the 310 K surface increase in pressureincrease in pot. temperature composite 12 UTC 06 to 06 UTC K
Conclusions Pronounced dry intrusion of stratospheric origin Spiral structure: arms of distinct origins Striation across western flank: sandwiched boundary layer air mixing by diffusion Breakup over Alps: persistent diabatic processes north of Alps and corresponding upper level negative PV anomaly Large scale advection explains significant portion of mesoscale structures LFP relates Lagrangian evolution to Eulerian fields
21. May 2003