Click to edit Master title style 1 Baltic IT&T 2005 Forum EU cooperation for a culture of network and information security Pernilla Skantze, ENISA
Click to edit Master title style 2 Baltic IT&T 2005 Forum Context for ENISA Today’s society and economy depend heavily on networks and information systems. Users experience serious problems when using electronic networks and software and find little help. Users experience serious problems when using electronic networks and software and find little help. Information security is a concern for everybody. Information security is a concern for everybody. We need to achieve a culture of network and information security. We need to achieve a culture of network and information security.
Click to edit Master title style 3 Baltic IT&T 2005 Forum Why ENISA ? Network and information security does not stop at national borders or within specific sectors Increased need for cooperation and information exchange – ENISA will bring the stakeholders together ENISA shall be a centre of expertise that can give guidance to the European Commission and Member States
Click to edit Master title style 4 Baltic IT&T 2005 Forum Structure of ENISA Management Board Executive Director (and staff) Permanent Stakeholder’s Group Ad hoc Working Groups 25 Member States representatives 3 Commission representatives 3 Stakeholders (Industry, academic, consumers) Mr. Andrea Pirotti 38 staff (end of 2005) and 44 staff (2006) 30 Members from industry, academic and consumers 5 to 9 Leading NIS experts 3 Working Groups foreseen in 2005
Click to edit Master title style 5 Baltic IT&T 2005 Forum Tasks Awareness Raising and promotion of best practices Awareness Raising and promotion of best practices NIS has to be addressed differently to different user groups the message should be positive – it is important not to frighten people Spread good practices in various areas Information Exchange and Cooperation Information Exchange and Cooperation Gather all relevant info, disseminate the knowledge to those who need it Help create networks for industry and public sector to meat and discuss Providing advise as a centre of expertise Providing advise as a centre of expertise ENISA shall fill in the gaps – not compete with industry or existing public sector bodies It shall advise and assist the Commission and Member states, e.g. on technical matters in relation to new legislation and on research activities It shall follow standardisation work and identify the gaps
Click to edit Master title style 6 Baltic IT&T 2005 Forum Culture of security and Internet governance ENISA shall: Feed its expertise into the on-going discussions in e.g. ICANN and WSIS The creation of the culture of security shall lead to all stakeholder’s awareness of their responsibilities – also Internet governing bodies ENISA shall not duplicate work done by others
Click to edit Master title style 7 Baltic IT&T 2005 Forum Coming year for ENISA First wave of employees on board in September 2005, second wave in December 2005 (total 38) 3 Working Groups will be set up this, first meetings foreseen in June 2005, call for interests has been launched Work programme for 2006 to be adopted in November Move to Heraklion in July!
Click to edit Master title style 8 Baltic IT&T 2005 Forum Conclusions Network and information security affects everyone ENISA shall contribute to creating a culture of network and information security ENISA shall help make Europeans to advanced and security conscious IT-users and We look forward to cooperating with the network and information security community