Better, Brighter Futures: Approved Preferred Provider Scheme Master Score System Alec Fraher 2007
Information Box Document Purpose: To provide a balance score card of the evidence submitted by Drug and Alcohol Providers as part of the ‘Fitness for Purpose’ assessment and application for preferred provider status. The methodology makes use of Lean and Six Sigma technology.
Master Score System: The Whole System Design for Demand Supportive and Effective Partnering Optimal Management Best Practice Shared Aspirations Diversity Financial management Pursues Perfection Compatibility of Process and Values Effective Client Journey Transparent Value Base X(PEN+PECVA)=2>
Master Score System:X(PEN+PECVA)=2> PEN Purchaser Expected Norms Strategic, Relevance and Rationale Supportive and effective partnering Meeting Need – business and clinical governance Optimal Management Originality and Impact Best practice Financial Management Audited Accounts Resource Allocation Shared Aspirations Stakeholder Engagement Diversity
Master Score System: X(PEN+PECVA)=2> Level of Customer Integration (x) Level of Customer Integration Pursues Perfection Designed for Customer Demand Has a Clear and Transparent Value Base Values Evident in Client Journey Processes and Values are Compatible
Master Score System: X(PEN+PECVA)=2> PECVA Provider Evidence of Consistent Value Application Processes Adaptability Monitoring Credibility Benefits beyond the person Staffing Training and Involvement Attitudes Senior Leadership Engagement Clinical Leadership Organisation Aims and Cultural Fit Infrastructure
PECVA: Process Evidence Monitoring Progress There is evidence of systems in place to communicate progress and change to all with named actions Score 6.7 There is evidence of systems in place to monitor change but this is not communicated to all Score 3.3 There is evidence of systems and communication but nothing happens Score 2.4 There is no evidence of systems or communication Score 0.0
PECVA: Process Evidence Adaptability Processes can be adapted to meet changing demand and improve services Score 7.0 Processes can be changed but there is no system for continuous quality management Score 3.4 Processes are rigid but there is continuous quality management Score 2.4 There are no systemsScore 0.0
PECVA: Process Evidence Credibility Process are visible and recognisable and the results believable and supported by stakeholders Score 9.1 The processes are not visible but are supported by stakeholders Score 6.3 The processes are visible but are supported by evidence but not believed by stakeholders Score 3.1 Processes are not believed nor supported Score 0.0
PECVA: Process Evidence Benefits Beyond the Person The processes improve treatment effectiveness and make using services easier Score 8.7 The processes improve treatment effectiveness but do not make using services easier Score 4.7 The processes do not improve treatment effectiveness but does make using services easier Score 4.0 No improvement in treatment effectiveness or service users/carers experience Score 0.0
PECVA: Staffing Evidence Training and Involvement Staff are involved in business planning and are adequately supported and trained to improve practice Score 11.5 Staff are involved in business planning but are not trained in this Score 4.9 Staff are not involved in business planning but are receive training when requested Score 6.3 Staff are not involved or trained Score 0.0
PECVA: Staffing Evidence Attitudes Staff feel empowered and believe in the future Score 11.0 Staff feel empowered but don’t believe in the future Score 5.1 Staff don’t feel empowered but believe in the future Score 5.1 Don’t feel empowered or believe in the future Score 0.0
PECVA: Staffing Evidence Senior Leadership Senior managers take responsibility for leading and sharing plans with staff; staff seek help and advice Score 15.0 Senior managers don’t take responsibility but do share information about plans Score 6.2 Senior managers do take responsibility for plans but doesn’t share information and others don’t seek advice Score 5.7 Doesn’t take responsibility nor share information or advise Score 0.0
PECVA: Staffing Evidence Clinical Leadership Has a clear clinical lead and takes responsibility for decision making, sharing information with staff; staff seek help and advice without prompting Score 15.0 Has clinical lead but does not take responsibility for decision making, but does advise staff Score 6.2 Takes clinical responsibility but others do not take advice or seek help Score 5.7 Does not take responsibility nor share information or give advice Score 0.0
PECVA: Organisation Evidence Aims and Cultural Fit Shows historical success of improving services in line with stated aims and objectives Score 7.2 Shows historical success of managing change but inconsistent application of aims and objectives Score 3.3 Has no history of managing change but the aims and objectives are upheld Score 3.5 Has no history of success and inconsistently applies aims and objectives Score 0.0
PECVA: Organisation Evidence Infrastructure Staff facilities, job descriptions, policies and procedures, communication systems are in place and fit for purpose Score 9.7 Has the right staffing levels but poor job descriptions, policies and procedures Score 4.4 Job descriptions, policies and procedures etc are adequate but does not have the right staffing Score 3.3 Has failed to implement proper job descriptions, policies and procedures Score 0.0
Master Score System: Balance Score Card Monitoring Progress Adaptability Credibility Benefits Beyond the Person Training and Involvement Attitudes Senior Management Leadership Clinical Leadership Aims and Cultural Fit Infrastructure Sampleperfect