Today's Alps tomorrow: risks, resources and opportunities Side Programme – Risk Management Tuesday 20 th June 2006, 9:00 – 11:00 CatchRisk - mitigation.


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Presentation transcript:

Today's Alps tomorrow: risks, resources and opportunities Side Programme – Risk Management Tuesday 20 th June 2006, 9:00 – 11:00 CatchRisk - mitigation of hydro-geological risk in Alpine catchment: project impacts Enrico Sciesa, Caterina Cazzaniga, Simonetta De Donatis, Cinzia Margiocco – Regione Lombardia – DG Territorio e Urbanistica

Role and potentialities of Territorial cooperation in Alpine Space 1 Which Alps tomorrow in the Objective 3 vision? Interreg III Catchrisk Project impact evaluation

Prevention against risks of avalanches and flooding RDT, innovation and SMEs network Environment in link with the Alpine Convention Prevention against risk is considered as a key element for the future of Alps, not only in order to assure safety for human communities and protect environment and landscape, but also to encourage the sustainable economic integration of SMEs, so increasing the competitiveness for alpine territories Which Alps tomorrow in the Objective 3 vision? Major themes proposed by CE in the new Alpine Space:

Did the project contribute to enhance in our institution and in the local actors in our territory, the interest in european territorial cooperation? Did it generate new possible partnership? Interreg III project impact evaluation Did the experiences changed in Catchrisk project influence the technical tools in the day- to-day work of our institution? To what extent were the project results disseminated in our local technical community? Have the project guide-lines been exploited in documents or acts having legal relevance in our territories? Legal effects Technical effects Effects on local perception

CatchRisk project tried to elaborate a general structured approach for the study of the hydro- graphic catchments in all its hydro-geological risk aspects: landslides, alluvial fan floodings and floodings of main rivers, risk analysis of droughts development of databases and information systems for assessing hydro-geological parameters analysing how landslides begin within the Alpine catchment areas evaluating the hazard levels regarding alluvial fans and the floors of Alpine valleys project main objectives

Developed activities Landslide hazard assessment Hydro- geological processes inside the catchments WP1 WP2 WP3 Alluvial fan flooding WP 4 River flooding

The project generated shared guidelines that will contribute to build a more comprehensive vision of the hydro-geological problems - including the way to tackle them too - and to better explain the application of the morphological method, in order to support decision making (experts and administrators).The suggestions collected in the guidelines are thought to be used by local administrators and by professionals for the analyses of hydro-geological risk in the small alpine catchment areas, finalized to the evaluation of the risk itself, to the territorial planning and to better define all the land protection works. Guidelines

Regione Lombardia - Project impacts on land use policies the SIBCA SYSTEM: an informative system which, starting from a DTM, allowed to rebuild hydrographical basins and then to calculate some morphometric and hydraulic parameters. Data available and downloadable from Regione Lombardia web site. regional standard for local administrations 500 catchments in Bergamo Province. entire hilly and mountainous area of Lombardy (5000 catchments) new regional law 12/2005: data are propaedeutic to the studies of the Piani di Governo del Territorio Regional Resolution n (22/12/2005) approved Guidelines for the geological, hydro-geological and seismic studies in the Local Governance Plans Technical impact Legal impact Local impact

the Provincia Autonoma di Trento will use the developed methodologies to set the standard level for the new hazard mapping production, which the Provincia will adopt (D.G.P d.d ) in Tirol, technical and professional groups inside the local administrations are very interested in the prewarning systems based on territorial modelling as means of protection measure, because these systems are very efficient and much cheaper then technical measurements. the Graubünden will use the project results to improve its method for transforming landslides hazard maps into hazard zones. The rock fall hazard maps created by Land Bayern may be used to select areas in which mitigation measures evaluation must be carried out and by the local authority for municipal planning. the Regione Veneto will use the results of the project Catchrisk in the sample areas for updating its Hydrogeological Plan. The project, in his whole, had contributed to strengthen the necessity that the proposals of hazard zoning in the Alpine catchment areas, formulated by technicians and by local administrators, have to be supported by specialised territorial databases and by appropriate models That’s why territorial cooperation is a good tool for the Alps today………….. in the frame of the Water Master Plan, the Styrian Government will use the developed model in order to evaluate the local groundwater resources

but how territorial cooperation can be a better tool for the Alps tomorrow?

Role and potentialities of Territorial cooperation in Alpine Space Projects in the new Alpine Space Programme should: Arouse among cooperation actors a real sharing of their common problems, enhance the alpine identity, make alpine people feel that they are part of a wider, european, community. increase knowledge exchanges among territories, so as to protect their heritage and prevent the hidrogeological risk enhance the environmental sustainability of territorial choices increase the economic integration and the competitivity of alpine communities but, most of all

Some ideas for the future ……… Development and improvement of the informative systems on the Alpine basins Creation of a new connected GIS database for data computerisation along the main waterbodies. Development of a GIS database with all the data concerning the existing infrastructures interfering with the watercourse, the morphological elements (i.e. river forms, relict channels, floodplains, erosion bank slopes), all the damages due to flooding episodes……. Development and subsequently improvement of the informative systems on the Alpine basins Definition of hazard maps for the sub-basin areas Definition of criteria for sub-catchment territorial plans, targeted to public administrators, and finalized to a correct evaluation of the flooding risks and to a suitable territorial planning

Thanks for your attention!