A Gothic Romance novel
Epistolary – carried by letters Frame Story
Consequences of irresponsibility in the pursuit of knowledge Consequences of pride Consequences of society’s rejection of someone who is unattractive Destructive power of revenge Parent-child conflicts Sympathy
Nature Especially the “sublime.” The sublime represented the dangerous and obscure elements of nature, often pictured through mountains. The sublime eludes representation and an encounter with the sublime may lead to a loss of self or reason.
Victor/creation Passion/reason Natural/unnatural Known/unknown Civilized/savage Masculine/feminine Beautiful/ugly Good/bad Light/dark Heat/cold
a pattern or model that serves as the basis for different, but related versions of a character, plot, or theme. Archetypal characters may include “stock” characters like a hero, damsel in distress, companion, and destroyer. An archetypal theme may include ideas such as light=good, dark=bad