Creating fields in FlexiDATA Enter a title for your data file. Different types of field Different types of data validation
Creating a simple query in FlexiDATA From the Format menu, click Query. Select field. Choose relationship. Select value. Check query. Click OK to view the matching records.
Creating a complex query in FlexiDATA Select field. Choose relationship. Select value. Start from a simple query. Check query. Click OK to view the matching records.
Creating graphs in FlexiDATA From the Insert menu, click Graph. Select the graph type.Choose a field. Click OK to view the graph.
Types of graph in FlexiDATA Pie chart – for showing proportions or percentages where there is a small number of possible choices Bar chart – for counting the number of chosen items in a particular field
Types of graph in FlexiDATA Scattergraph – for comparing two sets of numeric data, to see if there is a relationship between them Histogram – for grouping and counting numeric data, showing the number of items in each group