Post Roman-Britain
Dark Ages- brutal warfare, barbarians Celtic tribes, Druids, Britons- inhabitants No political unity Britain- Roman Empire until 410 AD King Arthur legend (Brits v. Saxons) Mixture of pagan and Christian elements
Invaded Britain in second half of 5 th century Part of Germanic (wandering) people set to weaken Roman Empire Thought to have originated in Denmark First called Saxons, then Angles AD 890 Engla lande (England) was named for the “land of the Angles”
Anglo Saxon warrior- thane Outstanding courage Loyalty to the leader and tribe Fierce personal valor People of rank receive greatest courtesy Ruler is generous to those who are loyal Believed in wyrd-fate; Valhalla afterlife Peace weavers: Women married off to warring tribes for peace Fame is the only thing that lasts AND only way to be IMMORTAL
Indo-European- earliest known language spoken by a group of tribes. When tribes migrated, language evolved into Greek, Latin, Germanic Angle-ish created from Angles, Saxons and Jutes. Some of today’s words derived from Old English (verbs have same tense forms) Old English used until Norman Invasion (1066), then Middle English
Wessex King (AD ) Created Anglo/Saxon Chronicle- bits of history and population Established central language, army and navy