Anomalies from the monthly mean climatology: Black: actual temperatures Green: climatology Anomalies m depends on the month
Anomalies from the monthly mean climatology: Black: actual temperatures Green: climatology Anomalies
print(paste(“i=“,i,”, m=“,m, sep=“”)) Note: the results for Albany and Central Park NY are stored in (units for tavg are degree C!) data/USW _tavg_mon_mean_ano.asc data/USW _tavg_mon_mean_ano.asc
Note: the results for Albany and Central Park NY are stored in (units for tavg are degree C!) data/USW _tavg_mon_mean_ano.asc data/USW _tavg_mon_mean_ano.asc
class07.ppt (pdf): vector dot-product function R: scripts/ vectorfunctions.R myfunctions.R climatology.R, plot_climatology.R climatology.R is an example how to concentrate all user-interactions with the program to a few lines at the top of the program: This makes a program re-usable. Give it a try: change the station name, and the year-range of the calculation for the climatological cycle. You will find an example at the end, how to write results to a data file. plot_climatology.R is a program to plot the results. It shows you how you can read back in the created data file. Note: try these scripts and compare with our previous scripts albany_climatology.R
R: monthly mean temperature data (in degree C) data/ USW _tavg_mon_mean_climc_ asc USW _tavg_mon_mean_climc_ asc USW _tavg_mon_mean_climc_ asc USW _tavg_mon_mean_climc_ asc USW _tavg_mon_mean_climc_ asc The anomalies from the climatological cycle ( ) USW _tavg_mon_mean_ano.asc USW _tavg_mon_mean_ano.asc
R: monthly mean temperature data (in degree C) figures/ USW _tavg_mon_mean_climc_ pdf USW _tavg_mon_mean_climc_ pdf USW _tavg_mon_mean_climc_ pdf USW _tavg_mon_mean_climc_ pdf USW _tavg_mon_mean_climc_ pdf