Fatigue and recovery Processes
FATIGUE AND RECOVERY PROCESSES FATIGUE – Inability to maintain power output! What are the feelings of fatigue? Is there any difference between different types of fatigue?
Current Issues
Distress and Fatigue – Why?
Fatigue is caused by: 1. Depletion of PC stores 2. Depletion of glycogen stores 3. Lack of oxygen - Build up of lactic acid 4. Drop in pH – affecting enzyme action 5. Reduction in ATP resynthesis 6. Fluid Loss
Onset of blood lactate accumulation How can you delaying the onset of fatigue? Delay the OBLA Improve the aerobic system
Preventing Fatigue
Key words Can you explain the following words now? Central fatigue Peripheral fatigue Local muscle fatigue Depletion of fuels Dehydration Electrolyte loss Recovery – restoration of ATP/PC stores
Oxygen Deficit
EPOC / Oxygen Debt After exercise, HR and BR fall rapidly but remain higher than normal to pay back oxygen debt. This is known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
Contributing Factors 1. T o remove CO2 2. I ncrease metabolism (increased body temp) 3. I ncreased hormone levels 4. R eplacement of ATP 5. R emoval of Lactic Acid 6. R eplenishment of myoglobin with oxygen 7. R eplacement of glycogen
Alactacid (fast) – ATP and PC, muscle phosphogen stores Lactacid (slow) – Removal of lactic acid
Not to be confused with: DOMS Delayed On set of Muscular Soreness Delayed On set of Muscular Soreness When: When: Causes: Causes: Sports: Sports: How to minimise: How to minimise:
What is a balanced diet!?
Presentation Imagine you are a nutritionalist that deals with a variety of people. Choose one and prepare to develop a short presentation to the rest of the group, explaining recommendations for a diet and the advice you would give to the person…… for next Thursday
What would you suggest for: Untrained person Endurance athlete Weightlifter Person with a 10K run in a week’s time Someone who has just completed a triathlon Someone who is keen to use supplements
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