FAIR Russia Research Centre Overview 20 June 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

FAIR Russia Research Centre Overview 20 June 2008

GSI & FAIR ITEP Proposal FRRC Helmholtz Association Rosatom GSI ITEP FRRC financing ITEP GSI agreement Proposal for a Joint Helmholtz-ROSATOM “FAIR-Russia Research Centre” Submitted by Gesellschaft fϋr Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt (GSI) Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow (ITEP)

Why ITEP ? Core – laboratory of ROSATOM Core – laboratory of ROSATOM 30 years scientific co-operation 30 years scientific co-operation “sister laboratories - ITEP- GSI “sister laboratories - ITEP- GSI Multi-disciplinary research activities Multi-disciplinary research activities Strong integration in Russian Strong integration in Russian scientific landscape International collaborations International collaborations Strong educational program Strong educational program

Соглашение о создании совместного “Исследовательского центра ФАИР-Россия” – Предмет Соглашения Предметом настоящего Соглашения является урегулирование отношений Учредителей ИЦФР друг с другом и их совместная деятельность в рамках структуры и работы ИЦФР, в том числе: координация деятельности российских участников ФАИР и руководство работами по разделам программы ФАИР, таким как разработка новых детекторов и ускорительных технологий, проработка физических вопросов для проведения исследований на ФАИР, а также деятельность по определению комплекса работ для российских участников ФАИР;

Strategic aims of FRRC Coordination ► Coordination of the Russian FAIR research activities and work packages, such as development of new detectors and accelerator technologies and contributions towards physics issues to be explored at FAIR; Communication and cross-fertilization ► Communication and cross-fertilization between the different Russian FAIR research communities of, e.g., nuclear and astrophysics, plasma physics, hadron physics, atomic physics, applied physics, accelerator physics and technologies, laser induced novel phenomena, information technology etc.; Transmit the scientific atmosphere and spirit ► Transmit the scientific atmosphere and spirit from the FAIR site to Russia in order to generate a creative environment, promoting cross- fertilisation and competition for both scientists from research laboratories and for staff and students from universities; Support for masters and PhD students ► Support for masters and PhD students as well as for post-docs from excellent Russian universities in various fields of fundamental and applied sciences and technology;

► Providing research associates, fellows and guest scientists doing research for FAIR both in experiment and theory with a creative multi- disciplinary environment including facilities; ► Hosting of workshops, technical meetings and seminars on FAIR related issues; ► Leverage of research, technological and educational activities of ROSATOM institutes towards the Russian universities, industrial bodies and the public regarding international collaboration; ► Creation of spin-offs into biological, medical, material sciences and high-tech related enterprises; ► Eventually setting up a world-class manufacturing / fabricating site with state-of-the-art facilities related to FAIR and to other accelerators; ► Provision to be made for a group of PhD students and their supervisors working at FAIR, to be supported from FRRC including their travel; ► Funding for Russian students in the form of grants in addition to their salaries, offering very flexible pay schemes, promoting scientific excellence. Strategic aims of FRRC

Scope of Activities Task 1 – Renovation of ITEP building 40 Within this task FRRC will be provided with adequate office space and facilities; Task 2 – Formal incorporation of FRRC Within this task FRRC shall be given a legal foundation; Task 3 – Staff hiring Within this task both administrative and scientific staff (long-term) will be hired; Task 4 – Education and Teaching Within this task FRRC's foremost mission (teaching and education) will be organized. Multi-disciplinary curricula will be developed; Seminars / events Seminar by in-house FRRC students Special seminars by FRRC scientist and by visiting scientists Collaboration meeting by FAIR-Russia collaborations Visit to industries / labs

Task 5 – Guest programme Within this task the FRRC guest programme will be organised. FRRC wants to offer a unique learning and working atmosphere where people and ideas mingle. Therefore a guest programme is a very important tool to attract short-term visiting scientists both from Russia and abroad; Task 6 – Definition and review of scientific programme The scientific programme at FRRC will be multi-disciplinary and it will cover both detector and accelerator developments and basic research in FAIR related topics. Within this task the science programme will be defined and regularly reviewed. Task 7 – FAIR in-kind programme FRRC will have a structuring effect for the Russian in-kind contributions to FAIR. Coordination, communication, and consulting are the important tasks of FRRC with regard to the in-kind contributions. Scope of Activities

FAIR in-kind-programme – FRRC and the Russian research landscape

Work plan towards the full implementation of FRRC

FRRC organisation The governance and management structure of FRRC consists of a Council to be chaired alternately by distinguished persons from Europe and Russia. Council can meet alternately at the FAIR site in Darmstadt, Germany, and in Russia. Council members will be equally from FAIR, nominees of ROSATOM, Russia, and from Helmholtz Association, Germany. Council Members Director1 Co-director1 ROSATOM representatives2 Helmholtz Association representatives 2 FAIR representatives2 Council defines at regular intervals the scientific objectives of FRRC and shall also provide supervision for the activities of the research centre, including budget and controlling, and nomination of members of evaluation committees.

Governance and management structure of FRRC The administrative body shall consist of four employees and an IT expert. It is responsible for general accounting, grants, travel expenses and all expenses related to the build-up and renovation of the premises and for the utility costs, the acquisition of technical and scientific infrastructure, and consumables for FRRC and for IT services.

Personnel costs for the first three years of operation

FRRC will provide a single leverage point for the Russian participation in FAIR FRRC will coordinate and streamline the Russian contributions to the FAIR project and take care of the timely delivery and commissioning of Russian hardware and intellectual contributions to FAIR. The multi-disciplinary character of FAIR research will come to life in this centre and it will promote cross-fertilisation among the different Russian science communities. FAIR will secure a pool of selected young Russian scientists to conduct outstanding experiments at FAIR; Via the flexible grant structure FRRC is supporting excellent young scientists inside the Russian Federation and thus contributes towards limiting the talent drain and the breakaway of human resources in the field of high-energy physics, but at the same time offering opportunities for young Russian researchers, fully integrating them into the international scientific community, which is becoming increasingly important for Russia today. In the long-standing German Russian scientific relationships a new milestone is reached, which will contribute to the mutual understanding of both countries to the benefit of their societies. The ties between Germany and Russia will be strengthened and both countries make a step forward towards novel science funding and knowledge-based societies and markets. Expected income

Reports FRRC will present annual reports to Council on: Status of the work packages List of FAIR related Russian publications List of presentations on conferences List of masters and PhD theses Summary of workshop results List of ongoing work External financial audits will be carried out on an annual basis. FRRC Council will decide upon the continuation of the activities on the basis of a successful international evaluation every three years.

Interconnection scheme

Selection process Members Selection Committee Helmholtz scientists2 FAIR scientists2 ROSATOM scientists2 independent experts2 The Selection Committee (SC) is responsible for FRRC's academic staff. It will ensure the academic excellence of FRRC. The first call for candidates has to contain a clear application dead line and very transparent information on the formal application process which will be defined by SC.

ISTC partner project Task 1 – Design of the renovation and furnishing of FRRC working and recreation areas Description of deliverables 1Quotations for the renovation work 2Sketches of the renovation concepts 3List and cost estimating of the furniture Task 2 - Equipment of FRRC working area and IT infrastructure creation Description of deliverables 1Furnished and well-appointed working area 2Windows cluster consisting of 30 PC; 3Linux cluster consisting of 15 PC Task 3 - Organization of FRRC staff hiring Description of deliverables 1Competitive documentation for organization of selection process and hiring FRRC personal; 2Technical documentation of vacancy competition and hiring process; 3Work plans of hired scientists 4Contracts

ISTC partner project Task 4 –FRRC guest programme: organization and activity Description of deliverables 1.Competitive and technical documentation. Guest lists. 2.Technical and scientific documentation and reports of FRRC guest scientists 3.FRRC seminars and technical reports of guest scientists Task 6 – Education and Teaching activity in FRRC Description of deliverables 1.Planed schedule of lectures and seminars curses in FRRC 2.Curriculums, lecture (or seminar) curses by basic and special scientific disciplines for students and PhD students 3.Manuals by lectures presented in FRRC

Task 6 –FAIR related researches and forming of Russian in-kind contribution to FAIR and FRRC scientific and engineering activity Description of deliverables 1.Technical reports on Russian in-kind contribution to build-up and equipment SIS-100/300 accelerators and all FAIR experimental collaborations: 2.Coordinated integrated technical report on Russian in-kind contribution to FAIR 3.Technical and scientific minutes and reports of collaborative meetings that will held under FRRC roof 4.Technical and scientific reports of FRRC researchers concerning Russian in-kind contribution to FAIR and other activity ; 5List of FAIR related Russian publications 6List of presentations on conferences 7List of diploma and PhD theses ISTC partner project

обеспечение разноплановой, многофункциональной творческой среды и соответствующего оборудования для партнеров ФАИР - членов научного сообщества и приглашенных ученых, проводящих экспериментальные и теоретические исследования в рамках ФАИР; создание и оформление результатов научной деятельности, которые могут быть использованы в биологии, медицине, материаловедении, а также на производствах связанных с применением высоких технологий; организация симпозиумов, технических совещаний и семинаров по проблемам, связанным с ФАИР; Предмет Соглашения (Продолжение)

обеспечение поддержки ученых, представляющих ведущие российские научные центры и университеты, работающих в различных областях фундаментальной и прикладной науки и современных технологий и ведущих исследования и разработки в интересах создания ускорительного комплекса и дальнейшей эксплуатации ФАИР; обеспечение поддержки аспирантов и их научных руководителей а так же молодых кандидатов наук, работающих в интересах ФАИР, в том числе финансирование их командировочных расходов. Предмет Соглашения (Продолжение)